103-Day Gulf Red Snapper Recreational Season for 2024!


Governor Ron DeSantis recently announced the record 103-day 2024 Gulf Red Snapper recreational season, the longest season since the state was delegated management of Gulf red snapper. This season will include both a summer and fall season which includes major holiday weekends such as Father’s Day, July 4th and the Thanksgiving holiday. “Under Gov. DeSantis’ bold leadership, we are maintaining Florida as the Fishing and Boating Capital of the World with another record-breaking Gulf recreational red snapper season,” said Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Chairman Rodney Barreto. “We are proud to continue providing Floridians and visitors the world-class fishing opportunities we are known for.”

Red Snapper“Anglers from all over the country look forward to Gulf recreational red snapper season and the iconic fishing opportunities Florida provides yearly,” said Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Executive Director Roger Young. “We want to thank Governor DeSantis, the Legislature, and our recreational anglers for their continued investment in the State Reef Fish Survey, which gives us the data to allow these additional days for snapper fishing in Gulf state and federal waters this season.

Those fishing from private recreational vessels or charter vessels will be able to participate in the 2024 Gulf red snapper season. The 61-day summer season will begin on June 1 and continue through July 31. The 42-day fall season is the longest fall season since the beginning of state management. Find the dates at https://myfwc.com/news/all-news/snapper-424/.

Florida is able to offer this long season due to data driven management of the Red Snapper fishery on the Gulf Coast (not allowed by the Federal Government on the East Coast.)

Florida will evaluate additional dates to add later in the season if rainy days impact. If you plan to fish for red snapper in state or federal waters from a private recreational vessel, even if you are exempt from fishing license requirements, you must sign up as a State Reef Fish Angler (annual renewal required) at GoOutdoorsFlorida.com. Find more on recreational snapper regulations at MyFWC.com/Marine.