By “Doc” Doug Stauffer
It’s a familiar scene often portrayed in nativity displays: the wise men gather around a baby in a manger. However, a closer look at the Bible reveals a different picture. According to Scripture, by the time the wise men arrived in Bethlehem, Jesus was not an...
Inspired by Roy Warner; Written by Shantelle Dedicke
This past August, my life shifted irreversibly with the passing of my grandfather, Roy Warner. To my family, he was Papaw—a steady presence and a man with the world’s best smile. He was also the Roy in Frances Roy, the namesake of...
By Gueary Clendenning
What was your perfect gift you received as a child during Christmas? You know, the one gift that stands out in your memory even after all these years?
I remember my perfect gift was a fully loaded red, chrome Schwinn bicycle! How many of you from my generation...
By Sean Dietrich
The letter came via email. “My dad died last year and I don’t really know what to do with myself anymore. My mom is trying to give me space, my friends ask when I’ll be normal again. I turn fifteen tomorrow and my dad is not here...
By Pastor Doug “Doc” Stauffer
As this reaches you, another very contentious election has passed, and the results are now known. For some, it is a time of celebration, as the outcomes they supported have proved victorious. The future seems less certain for others who had hoped for different outcomes....
By Sean Dietrich
When I was a kid, my mother believed in angels, but I didn’t. I was on the fence about angels. I didn’t believe in hocus pocus. My thought was, if angels were real, then why were they always the worst team in the Major Leagues?
My mother used...
By “Doc” Doug Stauffer
The most controversial issue on the November ballot is Amendment 4, titled the “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion.” Abortion is, unfortunately, divisive, but this amendment is deceptive. This change to the state’s Constitution would forever alter Florida. While Amendment 4 is being marketed as...
One of our very own Bay Life writers, Kenneth Books, has published a humorous, politically incorrect book.
“These are a Few of the Things that I Hate” is composed of essays, all put together in a calendar format. The 327-page book is designed to prompt belly laughs throughout the year.
By Sean Dietrich
Sunrise on Lake Martin. I’m usually the first one awake. I rarely have any company in the mornings. I wake up with the chickens. Most mornings, I sit on my porch alone. Just me and the feral cats.
This morning, however, I had company.
I heard small feet walking...
By Pastor “Doc Doug” Stauffer
Labor Day is profoundly significant. It shows honor and respect for workers’ contributions across our nation. It is a fitting time to delve into what the Bible teaches about work. From the beginning, work has been a part of God’s design for humanity. In Genesis...