Crimes of The Heart


By Anna Fisher, Associate Artistic Director, Emerald Coast Theatre Company

Back when I was a little baby acting student in grad school, I had the pleasure of playing the character of Meg in “Crimes of the Heart.” She’s the sister who has returned home after an unsuccessful attempt to make it big in Hollywood. Her favorite pastimes are drinking, dating and telling half-truths, which makes her a really fun character to portray—think of that wacky cousin who is always making bad decisions, but never really learning from their mistakes. I remember being fascinated by these three sisters who make odd and unexplainable choices while trying to navigate such unusual circumstances.

Playwright Beth Henley masterfully writes each character with such depth and dimension that one might suspect they are drawn from real life inspiration. Exploring the motivations of such a richly written character is the kind of role that actors live for, and the character of Meg was no exception. Henley creates the perfect storm of disappointed Meg, withdrawn and bitter Lenny, and Babe, who has seemingly had a mental break from reality. Although I don’t have sisters, it wasn’t too much of a stretch to understand the multi-layered relationships of three sisters in this broken family. We all have that weird neighbor, crazy sister-in-law or eccentric aunt who continually surprises us with their zany antics.

This darkly comic, 1981 Pulitzer-prize-winning play has everything you want in a good story: dysfunctional family relationships, scandalous affairs and a shooting.

In 1986, it was made into an Oscar nominated film with a heavy hitting cast of actors including Diane Keaton, Jessica Lange, Tess Harper and Sissy Spacek. Harper and Spacek both garnered Oscar nominations for their exceptional performances in this southern, gothic story about the ties of sisterhood and family.

The humor, quirky characters and twisty plot all translate into one very fun night out with your crew. Just like “Steel Magnolias’” last season, this show pairs well with a bubbly glass of champagne and your favorite people. We hope you’ll join us at Emerald Coast Theatre Company this winter for “Crimes of the Heart.” Because, the heart of ECTC is you—and that’s no crime!


FEBRUARY 16 – 25
Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays at 7:30PM
Wednesdays & Sundays at 2:30PM