Christian Writers Retreat Offers Opportunity for Writing Development


The 2020 Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat (BLCWR) will be held March 25-28 at Blue Lake Camp located just north of the Alabama-Florida state line. The retreat offers a unique opportunity for writers, or aspiring writers, to develop writing abilities and to pitch their work for publication.

Various registration options are offered for BLCWR. Those attendees desiring to remain onsite during the retreat pay a fee which includes lodging (single or double occupancy rooms) and meals in addition to writing classes and workshops. Attendees may alternatively participate as commuters for a reduced price. Attendance is limited to 100 to maintain the intimate atmosphere of the retreat.

The retreat begins Wednesday afternoon March 25th with award-winning author Susan Neal’s preconference workshop, “How to Sell 1000 Books in 3 Months.” Conference check-in and an evening program of praise and worship and a keynote address are also on Wednesday’s agenda. Continuing classes and afternoon workshops will be offered throughout the retreat covering topics including writing fiction, non-fiction, devotions, and children’s books. Susan Neal will lead Scripture Yoga early each morning. Attendees may obtain critiques of their writing from faculty members for a small fee.

Faculty members for the BLCWR faculty are experienced published authors in a broad range of genres, including Susan King (former editor of The Upper Room), Lenora Worth (New York Times best-selling fiction author), Bob Hostetler (agent and writer), Denise Weimer (editor for Smitten Romance), James Watkins (author, humorist, and former editor), and John Herring (publisher of Iron Stream Media). Attendees can schedule one-on-one appointments with faculty members as well as connecting informally and personally with them during meals.

Retreat attendees have the opportunity to participate in a writing contest for unpublished work in a number of categories. The modest entry fee of $20 is utilized to provide scholarships to BLCWR for those who may not otherwise be able to afford to attend. Contest entries will be judged by the retreat faculty with winners being announced during the Friday night program.

Online registration for the 2020 Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat is available at