Home Musings


Musings: stories from local authors, inspiration from local pastors and more for Freeport and Niceville, Florida, including the Hammock Bay and Bluewater Bay areas surrounding the Choctawhatchee Bay.

By Pastor Doug Stauffer Over my four decades in the ministry, one of the most frequently asked questions revolves around the purpose of life and how to recognize the will of God. I always point out one truth first: God made us in His own image, intending for us to...


By Rick Moore Many years ago, I was asked to drive the bus for a field trip from Mobile, Alabama to Navarre Beach, Florida. We were going to eat an early lunch on the beach, go to the zoo, and then have the students back home by the time the...
By Victoria Ostrosky Domestic. Backyard barbeques, washing dishes, mowing lawns, bedtime stories, popcorn and a movie on the couch. Peaceful, happy scenes that give us warm fuzzies. Everyday tasks performed with people we love making our lives worth living. Abuse. Fighting and yelling. Screaming and threats. Bullies and bruises, contusions and...
By Sean Dietrich It was an average Thursday night. The crowd waiting to get into Truist Park was a biblical mass. There were too many people to comprehend. Everyone was sweating through their undergarments. The smell of human armpit odor was in the air. It was a sold-out game. Forty-odd thousand baseball...
By Pastor Doug Stauffer Societal changes seem to be taking place at the speed of light. With these changing times, more churches must adapt their approach or risk becoming irrelevant. Christians must consider ways to think outside the box. Every believer and pastor must evangelize outside their comfort zones. One...

The Bait

By Rick Moore An attention getting picture with an enticing headline is often called click-bait. Here are a few of the most viewed click-bait statements on the internet: These Photos Will Make You Think Twice, Here Is What They Look Like Now, You Won’t Believe What She Said, and the...
By Victoria Ostrosky Saul the Pharisee was an important man. He excelled at his profession, being well-versed and zealous in the Mosaic law. After the risen Jesus knocked him off his donkey and blinded him for three days, Saul discovered that he had been zealous for the wrong thing. Jesus...
By Sean Dietrich We had a major potato salad crisis at our Fourth-of-July barbecue. Someone forgot to designate a family member to be the official “bringer of potato salad.” So everyone took it upon themselves to bring potato salad. We had 2,927 varieties. There are few things more American than a...
By Pastor Doug Stauffer Like many other Floridians, I love the great state of Florida, surpassed only by my love for our country. America has a long and distinguished history that patriotic Americans revisit every Independence Day, celebrating with family, friends, feasts and fireworks. We must examine our past to...
By Pastor Doug Stauffer Father’s Day alert: June 19. Mother’s Day, in its formative years, garnered much more enthusiasm and support than the establishment of Father’s Day. Understandably so! In the early 1900s, fathers felt the celebration was questionable because fathers were generally footing the bill for their sentimental holiday....
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