Home Musings


Musings: stories from local authors, inspiration from local pastors and more for Freeport and Niceville, Florida, including the Hammock Bay and Bluewater Bay areas surrounding the Choctawhatchee Bay.

By Sean Dietrich 10:40 P.M.—New Year’s Eve. Hank Williams is on my radio. My wife is sleeping in the passenger seat. My coonhound is in the backseat. To bring in the year, we’ve gone for a drive on county roads that weave along the Choctawhatchee Bay. There are no cars out. The...
By Sean Dietrich Christmas Eve night. The mountains of North Carolina were giant silhouettes in the darkness. Sheriff Andy Taylor sat on the bench outside the courthouse, watching the stars. It had been a hard year. Maybe the hardest of his career. The sheriff was downhearted, which didn’t happen often. But...
By Pastor Doug Stauffer God expects every true child of God to demonstrate compassion. But, even more impressive is the thought that the Lord Jesus Christ manifested compassion during His earthly ministry. What an amazing truth—the Lord of glory willingly humbled Himself to suffer with and for others. One might assume...
By Matthew Vanderford Being a part of a community means different things to different people. As a public insurance adjuster, being a part of the community means being present for businesses, property owners, renters and contractors who’ve experienced damage, suffered loss and need assistance in reaching a fair insurance claim...
By Sean Dietrich My doctor gave me some very bad news. I can’t even bring myself to talk about it. I’m so scared right now. I don’t know why God is doing all this to me. I am so angry with God right now. I hate God. Thanks, SLEEPLESS-IN-NEW-YORK DEAR SLEEPLESS: About 300 years...
By Pastor Doug Stauffer I cannot count the number of times I have cautioned people to check their motives. Why do you do what you do? The “ends justifying the means” usually involves doing something questionable to achieve a positive outcome. Those who justify wrongdoing by pointing to the positive...
By Sean Dietrich This is not my story. It was told to me. In fact, I’m hearing it for the first time, just like you are. The year was 1982. The old man climbed out of a rust-red Ford. He was ancient. He walked with a shuffle as he hobbled into...
By Victoria Ostrosky Small groups, life groups, and connect groups seem to be all the rage in Christian circles nowadays. There are so many devotional books and courses available that it would be impossible to take advantage of each one in any lifetime. You may wonder why this is. Why do...
By Pastor Doug Stauffer The “ends” in this cliché represent a good outcome, while the “means” refer to the method or actions used to achieve the desired result. When a person says, “the ends justify the means,” this implies that a noble enough outcome justifies whatever measures taken to achieve...

Sean of the South: Unseen

By Sean Dietrich These aren’t my stories, but I’m going to tell them. Let’s call her Dana. Dana was going for a walk near her home. It was a dirt road. Her high-school reunion was coming up, she was getting into shape. A truck pulled beside her. He slowed down. He rolled...
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