Emerald Coast Autism Center’s Hole In One Golf Tournament
Emerald Coast Autism Center’s 8th Annual Hole in ONE Golf Tournament will take place Friday, October 8 at Blackstone Golf Course in Defuniak Springs. The shotgun tournament starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m. Light It Up BREW is...
Multiple Grant and Scholarship Opportunities Available at Northwest Florida State College
Bay Life -
Northwest Florida State College (NWFSC) is lowering the barrier to higher education by offering multiple grant and scholarship opportunities for the Fall Term. It’s not too late to apply!
NWFSC has been awarded grant funds under the American Rescue Plan (ARP). It is our goal to reach as many students...
In keeping with their mission of Service to Our Community, the Walton County Democratic Women’s Club (WC DWC) recently delivered gift bags to the Walton County Beach Safety Officers. The gifts were part of a series of celebrations designed to recognize the Essential Workers and Heroes who have kept...
By Kenneth Books
Florida state representatives call one another “Rep.” But Okaloosa County’s newest legislator presented sitting representatives with a quandary. What do you call a man who is a retired brigadier general, a retired circuit judge and now a state representative?
They solved the problem, Patt Maney said, by referring...
100 Men Who Care, a nationwide network of people interested in supporting non-profit groups in their local communities through giving circles, will launch 100 Men Who Care-Emerald Coast Chapter with an inaugural meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 21, 5:30-7 p.m. at The Palms of Destin.
100 Men Who Care – Emerald...
There is nothing quite like the fall semester on a college campus! It is the culmination of what our personnel have been working towards all summer. It is with great anticipation that we welcome back our faculty and students to campus. We are striving toward a safe, healthy campus...
Every year thousands of tons of garbage winds up in our Gulf and Bay, with at least 60% of that being composed of plastic material. Plastics, especially, last a very long time in the ocean and are in such abundance that there are 46,000 individual pieces of plastic litter...
By Superintendent A. Russell Hughes
What an EPIC Day at Freeport High School and Freeport Middle School on Tuesday, August 2, 2021. These schools hosted WCSD’s EPIC4wRd Back to School Teacher Training COATand Empowerment Day! The semi-annual event is a time for teachers to reconnect, learn new classroom strategies and...
Welcome back to a much-anticipated new school year in Okaloosa County! One of the greatest advantages of being in education is that we have the opportunity to reflect on the previous year and make improvements and changes in the new one. We learned a lot about what we are...