Can We Just Get to The Grocery Store Without Sitting in Traffic?


Four Lanes on Highway 20 and a “back way” to Publix is on my dream list of road improvements in the Freeport area.

Good news! They ARE ON THE LIST of Recommended Projects from the Transportation Advisory Committee IF the Walton Referendum PASSES.

You can view this list at

The projected spending within the first five years after the referendum passes is expected to be just over $133,000,000 dollars just in Freeport! Over five Years, the total spending for the entire county is $350,000,000. The county simply does not have this funding available currently. Per the 2021 County Clerk Audit, we only have $26,000,000 in unassigned funds available for general use. The Highway 20 project alone is over $109,000,000.

Per the 2020 Census, Freeport reported 5,861 residents. That equates to about $4,538.50 per resident, per-year for a grand total of $22,692.50 per resident over five years. I don’t happen to have that laying around, do you?

Sales taxes and our tourism industry are two of the biggest reasons Florida is such an amazing state with such a low tax burden. Did you know we’re one of only nine states without an income tax?

We can thank both sales taxes and tourism for that fact.

Traffic is a serious problem for our community. And with all the growth slated to take place with the completion of the expanded Wastewater Treatment Facility expected soon, development is going to take off! The new facility will immediately be able to service 3x its current capacity, sparking a boom in growth that Freeport will soon experience.

Why wait for more development? More traffic? More headaches?

We have our chance now to plan and fund ahead by taxing everyone that enjoys our community, not just the residents. In the summer, we’re outnumbered 4 to 1 by tourists; let’s have them continue to make Florida great by having them pay their way. Or should it be PAVE their way?

I recently did the math on our taxable spending as a family of three and it turns out our additional monthly spending will only be about $3-$5 – totaling $180 – $300 over five years.

It’s so low because, truthfully, we spend a good portion of our money in Okaloosa and Bay Counties. Where’s all my target shoppers at? Frankly, Walton County is missing quite a bit in the way of shopping. So. I’m sure many of you are in a similar situation.

I will be voting YES for the Walton Referendum and Better Roads for Freeport’s Future.
Please join me on November 8th and Vote FOR the Walton Referendum.

—Uriah Matthews, Freeport FL