United Way Emerald Coast Announces Virtual Singing Competition Fundraiser, Rock United


United Way Emerald Coast is excited to announce the first virtual singing competition to come to the Emerald Coast. Rock United will celebrate and recognize the great musical talent in Okaloosa and Walton Counties while helping our community grow stronger through the efforts of United Way Emerald Coast. The virtual singing competition and fundraiser is for local bands and musicians. The Grand Prize winner will receive $2,000, plus perform as the opening act for Billy Currington at the Gulf on Okaloosa Island on September 26, 2020, Professional Photoshoot with blacksuitFM photography, and A two-night stay at The Island Hotel by RL the weekend of the performance. Money raised during tournament voting will benefit United Way Emerald Coast in the fight for the health, education and financial stability of every member of our community.

“At a time when COVID-19 has seemingly taken away so much, we are thrilled to bring a virtual event to the Emerald Coast that we know will not only lift spirits during the course of the competition, but will have an ongoing impact in our community,” said Kelly Jasen, CEO of United Way Emerald Coast. “Throughout history, music has helped to unify and heal people. We hope Rock United will inspire some fun and friendly competition, all while boosting spirits and raising funds for our community.”

Rock United will be organized in a single elimination bracket tournament organized by a selection committee. Musicians/bands must submit registration for the tournament by 10 am on August 16. The bracket and first round match-up dates will be announced soon after. The winner of each match-up is based on the number of votes in the United Way Rock United fundraiser. Each $1 contributed counts as one vote!

For eligibility requirements and to enter the tournament, musicians and bands can visit www.unitedwayemeraldcoast.org/rockunited. To keep updated with Rock United during the course of the contest, follow and like the Rock United Facebook page @RockUnitedUWEC. Artist registration is open immediately.

For information about the September 26 Billy Currington concert at the Gulf at Okaloosa Island, visit www.bigtickets.com/e/adams-ent/billy-currington-the-gulf/.