The Seaside School, Inc. Ranks #1 Combination Charter School in Florida


With the opening of the new 2022-2023 school year, The Seaside School, Inc. continues to earn top academic rankings by claiming the #1 ranked combination charter school in the State of Florida for the 2021-2022 school year based on the Florida Department of Education School Grade Program, and ranks as one of the top public schools in the State of Florida.

Notably, data from the most recently administered tests in 2022 show The Seaside School, Inc. scored #1 in the State of Florida on 7th grade FSA Mathematics and #2 in the State of Florida on the Geometry End of Course (EOC) exam.

The Seaside School, Inc. is a combination school which encompasses elementary, middle school and high school grades with two campuses: Seaside Neighborhood School (5th through 8th grades) and Seacoast Collegiate High School (9th through 12th grades).
Seaside Neighborhood School is among the top performing public schools in the State of Florida in the following categories on the annually administered statewide FSA and EOC exams for the 2021-2022 school year:

• 5th grade Math: Rank 5th in the State and 98% of students passed FSA
• 7th grade Math: Rank 1st in the state and 100% of students passed FSA
• Algebra I: 8th and 9th grade Algebra students rank 10th in the State on EOC and 98% of students passed
• Geometry: 9th and 10th grade Geometry students rank 2nd in the State on Winter EOC and 90% of students passed

English Language Arts
• Scored in the top 2% overall on the ELA FSA, Grades 5, 7 and 9
• Scored in the top 6.2% overall on the ELA FSA, Grades 6, 8 and 10

Social Studies
• Civics: 98% of students passed EOC with 85% scoring a level 5
• US History: 95% of students passed with 72% scoring a level 4 or 5

• 5th grade Science: 90% students passed FSA with 62% scoring a level 4 or 5
• 8th grade Science: 89% of students passed FSA with 68% scoring a level 4 or 5
• Biology: 98% of students passed EOC with 78% scoring a level 4 or 5

Please note that all state data, including Seacoast Collegiate High School, is reported under the school name Seaside Neighborhood School with the Florida Department of Education.