Specialty Roofers Inc. Helps Homeowners Prepare for Hurricane Season


Hurricane season is officially upon us. While we all hope for an uneventful season, it is important to prepare for the worst. According to weatherchannel.com, “ The NOAA outlook calls for 13 to 19 named storms, six to 10 hurricanes and three to six major hurricanes – one that is Category 3 or higher (115-plus-mph winds).” Specialty Roofers Inc. is here to help you prepare your home for hurricane season with these tips.

1. Schedule an Evaluation
Northwest Florida is at risk for a major storm every Hurricane Season. As you prepare your home and make plans for your family, it’s important to have your roof evaluated as well. Having a knowledgeable contractor on your roof before hurricane season will ensure you have time to address any issues that may be made worse by a hurricane and perform any necessary repairs. It is also recommended to have your roof re-evaluated after hurricane season. Your roofing contractor will look at the following areas of your roof:
• Membrane – Checking for rips, punctures, holes or signs of aging.
• Flashings – Ensuring flashings are correctly attached and sealed.
• Mounted Equipment – Looking to see if penetrations are properly sealed and the equipment is securely attached.
• Gutters/Downspouts – Making sure gutters, drains, and downspouts are properly attached and flowing to the correct location.

2. Trim Nearby Trees
Strong winds can destroy large buildings and throw boats across town. Even tropical depressions can cause limbs or entire trees to fall down, damaging your roof. Take a walk around your property and identify dead, broken or oversized trees and branches that may damage your building during a storm.

3. Continue Regular Maintenance
A maintenance program is a great way to be proactive with your roofing system. Having a roofing contractor keep up the maintenance of your roof is one of the best ways to ensure your roof is ready to stand up to any incoming storms. Regular maintenance can catch preliminary roof issues before they get worse, saving you money in the long run.

4. Clear Gutters and Drains
It is essential to clean and clear your gutters before a storm in order for your gutters to properly function and handle the water that comes off your roof during a storm. If your gutters are clogged, the backed-up water will sit on your roof, increasing the probability of water entering your building or home.

5. Keep Up to Date with Insurance and Warranties
When a hurricane passes through your area, the aftermath is often chaotic. Save time getting your roof repaired by gathering documentation ahead of the storm and keeping it in a safe and easily accessible place.
Suggested documents to keep with you:
• Any applicable warranties
• Insurance documentation
• Before photos
• Contact information for contractors, insurance agents and other key contacts

When hurricane season comes, protecting people is the most important. With a well thought-out and implemented preparation plan, you don’t have to think twice about your roof during a hurricane. Contact Specialty Roofers at 850-974-ROOF to evaluate and help prepare your roof for the upcoming hurricane season.