Water Damage and Leak Detection Systems

By Victoria Ostrosky Eric was in an important meeting. He kept stealing glances at his cell phone, showing he’d missed three calls from his property...

Ask Dr. Marty

QUESTION: I’m really worried about Coronavirus (COVID-19). Do you think I should just order all my groceries online, pull the covers up over my...

Our Area’s Crisis Resources

Centers for Disease Control (CDC): cdc.gov Okaloosa County Health Department: okaloosa.floridahealth.gov Walton County Health Department: Walton.floridahealth.gov Walton County Emergency Management Department: www.WaltonCountyEM.org Florida Department of Health: www.floridahealth.gov CDC recommendations...

Healthy Practices for Staying Well

By Dr. Richard Chern, MD Coronavirus is very similar to influenza and many of my peers have asked,”What’s the hype? Am I missing something here?”...

Meet Our Hometown Heroes: Niceville High School Men’s Soccer Team

Each with the Heart of a Champion By Scott Miller Congratulations is in order. The Niceville High School Men’s Soccer Team is now also known as...

Emerald Coast Turtle Watch Helps Protect our Sea Turtles

By Rita L. Sherwood Starting their sixth season of monitoring and protecting our local area’s precious sea turtles, dynamic father/daughter duo George and Sara Gray...

Sleeping Tight and Dreaming Bright

A Bed 4 Me Celebrates 1,000th Bed Delivery By Lori Leath Smith “I’m so overwhelmed! The girls are lying in bed giggling! Thank you so...

Ther·mal im·ag·ing: /ˈTHərməl ˈimijiNG/

By Chris Balzar Definition, noun; the technique of using the heat given off by an object to produce an image of it or locate it. Now...

Alaqua Animal Refuge 2020 Sip N Shop April 3: A Decade...

Alaqua Animal Refuge announced today that it will host its 10th Annual Sip N Shop event on Friday, April 3 at Emeril’s Coastal Italian...

Do You Wanna Get High?

By Lisa Leath Turpin, Health & Wellness Coach The exercise high that is! Through this column, I have encouraged you to just MOVE. Movement of...