Breaking the Cycle
By Matthew Vanderford
Here’s something to think about: Picture in your mind your car alarm going off by itself for no reason. You grab your...
“What exactly is CRYO850?”
CRYO850 Performance and Recovery Center
Is it a place for wellness? For athletes? Pain management? Skin care? Mental reset? The answer to each question is...
Is it Safe to Work Out at the Gym?
A growing body of evidence is suggesting that working out at your health club carries no more risk than any other indoor facility that...
What Are You Waiting For?
By Lisa Turpin, Health & Wellness Coach
Practically since 2020 hit, we have been inundated with obstacles that waylay our “good health” resolutions. A few...
Can People Really Change?
By Stephanie Craig
Are you worn out from navigating the current emotional climate in America? Tensions certainly abound. Mask or no mask? Reopen or slow...
Ask Dr. Marty: Mixing Prescriptions and Supplements
I’d like to start taking natural remedies such as vitamins, minerals and herbs, but I’m taking several prescriptions. Should I be concerned about mixing...
5 Ways to Improve Libido in Women
By Dr. Kimberly Hood, M.D.
Decreased libido is a complicated women’s health issue that requires a thorough conversation of social, psychological and physical factors in...
Our Immune System: Part 1
By Kay Leaman, Health Architect
The Microbiome system has been studied over the last decade and is becoming a hot topic. But what is it?
Local Author Announces New Release
Fighting for Your Purpose: From Sex Trafficking to Ministry
“Fighting for Your Purpose,” updated and expanded, by author Sula Skiles has just been released on...
Bay Buzz July/August 2020
Walton County Transit Service ‘GoWal’ Launched
“GoWal,” the area’s first public transit service offering free rides to those traveling north and southbound throughout the region...