NWFSC Celebrates Workforce Development Month


September is designated as National Workforce Development Month and recognizes all workforce professionals, agencies and organizations who promote occupational skills with a focus on the quality of human skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, and innovation.

Northwest Florida State College, recognized as a high-quality higher education institution, delivers outstanding education in university transfer, health sciences, AND career education programming. The College has stepped forward to develop some of the first state-recognized apprenticeship and internship programs in the region. These on-the-job training programs provide students with essential employability skills that create a dynamic and effective workforce.

NWFSC WeldersThere are many different pathways to good careers that are compensated at a strong, sustainable, family wage. Negative perceptions of career education have created a drought in the pipeline of individuals to fill high demand, high wage jobs. There are, indeed, multiple options and good positive pathways leading to fulfilling careers.

Over the past year, NWFSC’s Grants Development Office in concert with the Academic Affairs and Institutional Research Departments accounted for the largest cumulative total grant award dollars in college history! The majority of the grant dollars come from state and federal sources and are being funneled directly into workforce development initiatives. The most notable being:

• $275,000 to develop unobstructed apprenticeship pathways for those desiring to enter the fields of plumbing, electricity, and construction;
• $1.15 million to stand up the NWFSC Job Corps Scholars Program offering certificates in high-growth career paths;
• $2.7 million to fund our Walton Works Training Center of Excellence, which establishes 10 new workforce programs in DeFuniak Springs;
• $1.5 million to stand up the NWFSC Youth Apprenticeship Program to offer apprenticeships opportunities in construction trades, public safety and hospitality industries; and
• $7 million to fund the Aviation Center of Excellence that will house airframe and powerplant mechanics training along with professional pilot certificates.

Additionally, through our Professional and Workforce Training Department, Northwest Florida State College offers customized training for business and industry professionals who seek to improve in soft skills necessary to advance in today’s competitive marketplace. Some of the most popular offerings include effective communication, problem solving, leadership, conflict resolution and emotional intelligence to name a few. Classes can be taken at our campus/centers or brought to your business at your convenience.

We continue to strive to remain relevant, and we are working each and every day to ‘make a difference’ and ‘improve lives’ in Northwest Florida. Regardless of the career path, Northwest Florida State College is the open door for all students to pursue a strong and progressive future.

Opportunities Begin Here. The fall mini-term begins October 14 and enrollment is underway. We encourage you to visit www.nwfsc.edu or call 850-502-2895 to speak to one of our Student Success Navigators and learn more about our programs.