Now Available! Manatee and Sea Turtle Decals


The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) just released the new 2021-2022 manatee and sea turtle decals. These high-quality waterproof stickers feature two different designs and are a fun way for people to directly support research, rescue and management efforts that conserve these species and spread awareness about the challenges they face. Each July, the FWC introduces new manatee and sea turtle decals that are available with a $5 donation. The designs look good on a vehicle’s bumper or the side of a boat, and you can also stick them on laptops, water bottles and coolers. Get yours online or when registering or re-registering a vehicle or boat at local tax collector’s offices across the state.

“Purchasing a manatee or sea turtle decal and displaying it is a simple way to make a difference for some of Florida’s most iconic, imperiled species.” said Ron Mezich, section leader of the FWC’s Imperiled Species Management Section. “The financial support directly contributes to their conservation and displaying it for others to see also helps raise awareness.” Manatees and sea turtles depend on Florida’s waterways and coastal habitats. Therefore, preserving Florida’s beaches and aquatic ecosystems is a crucial component of species conservation.

These collectable decals help fund manatee and sea turtle conservation efforts and raise awareness about the species and their habitats.

For example, when someone calls the FWC’s Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922) to report an injured, entangled or sick manatee or sea turtle, FWC staff work with partners to rescue, rehab and release these animals in need.

The decal themes highlight important conservation issues, such as manatee-safe boating and keeping our waterways clean. This year’s themes include: “Go slow – Look out below!” This message encourages safe boating around manatees, what to look for while on the water and shows others that you support Florida’s manatee conservation efforts. “Protect Florida Sea Turtles” shows a leatherback sea turtle swimming among jellyfish. Leatherbacks are true oceanic travelers in the sea turtle world and need your help in keeping our waterways clean so they can keep swimming long distances.

Learn more about how to help conserve manatees and sea turtles at and Select the “Decals” link to order new or past editions of decals. You can also support these species by purchasing a “Save the Manatee” or a “Helping Sea Turtles Survive” license plate at your local Tax Collector’s office.

For additional information about how to get involved, visit the Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida’s website at