Niceville Special Election for Mayor and City Council Seats April 14


There will be a special municipal election on April 14 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Niceville City Hall for voters to elect a new mayor and two new city council members. Candidates must be qualified electors of Okaloosa County residing within the corporate limits of the City of Niceville. A Mayoral candidate must be a resident for three years.

Eligible voters interested in running for Mayor or either of the city council posts must submit qualifying paperwork between Feb. 25 and Feb. 28. To qualify, a candidate must file the required papers and submit an authorized petition signed by five qualified electors of the City of Niceville. Registration will close on March 16. To vote by mail, voters can request an absentee ballot from the city clerk’s office.

The special election is needed to fill the remaining term of Niceville Mayor Randall Wise who passed away Jan. 20. Mayor Wise, 89, was recovering from a recent fall but his passing was unexpected. He was first appointed Mayor in 1971 and then elected due to charter change in 1987. Mayor Wise was the fourth-longest current serving mayor in the United States and served Niceville with unmatched love for his community. A constant and passionate advocate for the city and for the military, he served as an Honorary Commander at Eglin Air Force Base, Hurlburt Field and Duke Field. His drive for change and passion for Niceville will be a lasting part of his legacy.

Contact the City Clerk at (850) 279-6436 ext. 1100 for more information.