Local Authors Bookshelf


The Way; God’s call on an Ordinary Family to His Extraordinary Life
by local author Amy Boykin
Imagine having a life that looks abundant to the outside world. An amazing husband, four healthy wonderful kids, two successful businesses, adoring friends, and a great community and church. To the world it looked like Amy Boykin, a Texas native turned local, had it all and she did. But still there was an emptiness inside of her. Even with all the accomplishments in her and her family’s lives, something was missing. So, she did the one thing she knew would bring her answers—she prayed. And God answered. He said, “Move your family to the Bahamas.” Everyone thought this family of six was crazy, but by faith alone they heeded God’s call. Trading a life of affluence and comfort for a fishing rod and Bible, Amy and her family learned to discern God’s Voice and apply His Word to their daily life.

What would it be like to have that kind of faith and unfailing trust in life, in God? Where could it lead? The Boykin’s story would have seemed impossible if it was told before it happened. Empowered with God’s salvation message, the Boykins bring the transformational power of the Gospel to Haitian refugees with remarkable results. Six years later an entire community, countless U.S. mission teams and local Bahamians are touched and changed, culminating in the building of a Haitian church that is thriving today. The Way reveals through miracle after miracle that man’s impossible truly is God’s possible.
Available on Amazon.

Through Cracked Glass
by local author Victoria Ostrosky
We wonder why life seems so hard. We struggle, longing for someone to tell us everything’s going to be ok. We want someone to love us just as we are right where we are. We need purpose and direction. Through Cracked Glass: Grace for God’s fractured and imperfect children, does just that. Yes, life is hard. Yes, lessons are difficult. Yes, relationships are exhausting, but God longs to give us grace upon grace. He longs to smooth those rough places in our journey by using His other fractured and imperfect children to find you in your mess and gently lead you to safety. God uses the community of the broken to bring healing and courage to the weary traveler. Her book is a life journey of lessons learned while traversing valleys and climbing mountains, both literally and figuratively. From humble beginnings in a blue-collar conservative family, through two divorces, a son’s incarceration, and her mother’s sickness, Victoria takes you with her as she charts her progress, sometimes moving forward, sometimes falling behind, but never giving up. Victoria is a contributing writer to Lynn Haven Ledger/Gulf Coast Gazette, Destin Life/SoWal Life, GO! Christian Magazine and others. You can also read her blog at astoryinthewind.com. Feel free to contact her at victoriaweaves77@gmail.com.
Available at Barnes & Noble Destin

The Gospel Made Simple
by local author Cherie Anderson
Cherie Anderson is an ordained minister and local author who just released her first book called The Gospel Made Simple. Cherie is passionate about inspiring and equipping Christians to be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ. Her desire for her readers is to learn how they can open up a spiritual conversation in a non-confrontational way and dispel many misconceptions that keep many silent. She preaches and teaches evangelism workshops in churches and conducts mission trips abroad. She has also released a worship and the word CD where she takes the listeners on a journey of understanding who Jesus is and why he came. Contact Cherie at getfreeinjesus@gmail.com or visit www.stwministries.org.
Available at Barnes and Noble in Destin or on Amazon.