How to Make Enrollment in Medicare Smooth and Easy


By Greg Durette, Florida Health Connector

Greg DuretteAs with most things these days, the pandemic has caused a great deal of turmoil in processes and routines. Medicare enrollment, however, might have become even easier, depending on your perspective!

In the not-so-long-ago days, a person looking to learn more about Medicare and their enrollment options could visit a local office, attend a seminar or sit down in the comfort of their home with a qualified, licensed agent. This process could take several visits to become comfortable with the available choices. Even Joe Namath (not a qualified, licensed agent!) would be hard pressed to get a person comfortable in just one phone call, despite claims to the contrary.

Well, most of those in-person options are simply off the table for right now. So, what are your options to gather the information you need to make sure you are making the right choices for you and make your enrollment happen as smoothly as possible?

The first step is getting in touch with someone qualified to provide you with information for your specific needs. I know you get bombarded with mail and phone calls as you approach age 65 and then every Annual Election Period (October 15 – December 7) after that. That type of information overload typically helps no one figure things out and, as I have been told on many occasions, tends to make things even more confusing. In Medicare, quality information trumps volume of information every time.

The first thing you will need to do is apply for your Medicare Parts A & B. There are a number of issues surrounding this first step. So again, it would be wise to seek out a qualified, licensed person to guide you. Also, it is best to begin this process right when you are first eligible which is three months prior to the month in which you will turn 65.

While waiting for your Medicare card to be issued (sometimes 6-8 weeks), you will have the perfect opportunity to explore your other options. Those options range from simply sticking with Original Medicare (Parts A & B only), getting a Stand-Alone Prescription Plan or, choosing between an Advantage Plan or a Supplement Plan. Each comes with its own benefits and potential issues.

I know it seems like a lot and it is. However, if you take the time and are able to ignore the constant din of your telephone ringing and your mailbox being stuffed, you will come to understand the best choice for you.

Fast forward and here you are with your Medicare card in hand and have decided on the best plan choice for you. Congratulations! here is only one last step to take—actually getting enrolled. With all those in-person options unavailable or severely limited, what is a person to do?

You can relax in knowing many insurance companies have implemented excellent processes to get you enrolled over the telephone. You can sit back in the comfort of your own home and rest assured all will be taken care of quickly and professionally.

Follow this process and it will help to alleviate much of the hectic stress this major transition often causes.

As a side note, you can use this process to help eliminate the stress of comparing your existing plan to another during the upcoming Annual Election Period in October.
Boom! Stress-free Medicare enrollment.

Greg is a qualified, licensed agent with Florida Health Connector providing Florida Blue Medicare throughout the State and is based in Niceville. He has been in the insurance industry for over 37 years and can be reached at his office at 850-842-2400 or his mobile at 978-509-2941.