Finding Balance


Dr. Jessica Monteleone By Dr. Jessica Monteleone PT MS PhD

As I was shoreline strolling the beach last week, an elderly woman was being escorted into the water by someone quite younger than herself. The elder appeared fearful and hesitant. Of course, I asked her if she would like my help, and both parties welcomed me in.

The waves pushed us one way as the sand pulled in the opposite direction. Yes, she was wobbly, but had a successful “let’s get wet at the beach “adventure. They were grateful for my assistance.

Why is it so difficult to stay upright at the beach? It’s most probably because we don’t have sufficient balance. Balance is described as the even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.

Although standing at the shoreline in a safe place with your feet submerged in the water is an excellent balance exercise for older adults, know that you need it on land before you can be successful in the water. Injuries can occur.

If you don’t use it, you lose it. Isn’t that the truth! As a veteran physical therapist, I see the results of falls. Many happen, because when someone retires from work, they may retire from life, leading a sedentary lifestyle. They get weak.

Dr. Jessica Monteleone with Balance BallNeed better balance? An evaluation from a trained physical therapist is a great start to establish what is causing your balance problems. A home visit is my favorite place to evaluate you. Where do you sit? How do you get in and out of bed? How are your glasses?

Are your shoes supportive or do they have wear? Do you have the muscular strength to perform your daily tasks? Can you feel your feet on the floor? Can you stand on one leg for a good 3-5 seconds without loss of balance? Do you use walking sticks? A walker or a cane?

If your balance problem is due to weakness, it’s time for an exercise program. You don’t want to fall. Two areas that I specifically look at to improve balance is the core and ankle strength. Learn to use hip and ankle strategies to keep balance when you start to lose it. A therapeutic ball and the kitchen sink can be two great tools to challenge balance and improve it in the comfort of your own home. We just need to implement the correct exercises from a qualified exercise expert.

Ready to get wet at the beach? Make sure that you have your balance or take that dip with someone else that does.
