Emerald Coast Marine Wins Prestigious Award


Emerald Coast Marine was one of six marine industry organizations recently recognized by the Sea Tow Foundation for its exceptional boating safety campaigns and initiatives in 2021, winning the prestigious “National Boating Industry Safety Award” for the ‘Retailer with One to Three Locations” category. “Emerald Coast Marine created an integrated campaign including an extensive social media initiative featuring a mix of online boating education resources, along with a new series of boating safety videos produced internally that show it is possible to accomplish a lot with limited resources,” said Sea Tow Foundation Executive Director Gail R. Kulp. “In addition, the dealership underwrites the cost and promotes in-person boating safety classes in partnership with the USCG Auxiliary, along with promoting boating safety in its monthly newsletter. They also promoted National Boating Safety Week with a custom video featuring every member of the dealership team wearing life jackets.” Ongoing boating safety programs are slated for 2022 including seven months of seasonal boating safety training programs held in conjunction with the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary; a dedicated on-site boating safety event including vessel checks with the auxiliary in March; ladies boating events/classes; and a continued emphasis on boating safety via live seminars, social media and video messaging.