Home Wellness


Wellness and fitness news, health information and tips from local wellness experts in Freeport and Niceville, Florida, including the Hammock Bay and Bluewater Bay areas surrounding the Choctawhatchee Bay.

By Greg Durette, Florida Health Connector As with most things these days, the pandemic has caused a great deal of turmoil in processes and routines. Medicare enrollment, however, might have become even easier, depending on your perspective! In the not-so-long-ago days, a person looking to learn more about Medicare and their...

Sorry, Not Sorry

By Stephenie Craig “I’m sorry. I was wrong. I can see that I hurt you and I shouldn’t have done that. I value our relationship. I will make every effort not to do that in the future.” Wouldn’t it be so helpful to hear that when someone hurt you? What we...
QUESTION: Because of the quarantine and loss of my job, I am under a lot of stress. My blood pressure seems to be creeping up. My doctor says if it continues to climb, she will recommend I start taking medication. Is there anything I can do to keep that...
By Stephenie Craig There’s no way around it. 2020 has been a difficult year. Anxiety is a consistent companion. Even previously fun things like planning a vacation now require intentional thought and consideration. News, social media, conversations with friends, and every day decisions invite stress. We are walking through unprecedented...
By Greg Durette, Florida Blue Eventually, if you are lucky, you will find yourself needing to make the transition from traditional insurance to Medicare. Knowing when you qualify to first enroll and when to make changes later on can prove a bit confusing, but is critical to make sure you...
What is CRYO850? A place for wellness? For athletes? Pain management? Skin care? Mental reset? The answer to each question is “YES!” CRYO850 offers drug-free technology for staying young, active and pain free. Its community culture of healing is literally changing lives. With cryotherapy treatments, you hop in the tank...

Tai Chi is Good for You!

By Sheila Mohammed, MD, PhD Many people would love to do interesting exercise while learning beneficial physical skills. I would advise looking into Tai Chi. This is a slow moving martial art that anyone can do. The slow steady movements stimulate muscle building, and balance. This is helpful to prevent...
Ascension Sacred Heart Hospital encourages those who have recovered from a confirmed case of COVID-19 to consider donating blood plasma for convalescent plasma therapy in critically ill patients. Such plasma is currently in short supply. People who recover from coronavirus infection may develop antibodies to the virus that remain...
By Dr. Richard Chern, M.D. Thinking FDA approved means safe and non-FDA approved means unsafe is absolutely untrue? Did you know that over 20% of medications prescribed in the United States are non-FDA approved. So, if your doctor does not support a treatment for the simple reason that “it is...
CRYO850 Performance and Recovery Center Is it a place for wellness? For athletes? Pain management? Skin care? Mental reset? The answer to each question is “YES.” CRYO850 offers drug-free technology for staying young, active, and pain free. Its community culture of healing is literally changing lives. For example: Tracy hobbled in...
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