Home Musings


Musings: stories from local authors, inspiration from local pastors and more for Freeport and Niceville, Florida, including the Hammock Bay and Bluewater Bay areas surrounding the Choctawhatchee Bay.

Easter Reflections

By Guery Clendening It is Spring! The flowers are blooming and Azaleas are beautiful this time of year. I love this season. To me Spring speaks of new beginnings. When I lived in Illinois, the winters could be harsh at times. I remember during one winter, looking out my office...
By Pastor Doug Stauffer My dad was a towering (often intimidating) figure in my youth, standing six foot five. Add over twenty years in the military followed by ten years as Captain of a police force, and “you will still have barely a glimpse of what I’m talking about.” I...

Dear God

By Sean Dietrich Dear God, It’s me again. How have you been? How is the family? Hope you had a good holiday season and that you didn’t have to smite too many people who drove too slow in the left lane. Give Moses my best. I know you haven’t heard from me...

What Ever Happened to Love?

By Myrna Conrad February is the month that we celebrate Valentine’s Day – a day where we purchase a special gift or card to express our love for someone. Even though the day will be celebrated on February 14 by many people, the world seems to still be filled with...

Sean of the South: Love

By Sean Dietrich We were newlyweds, living in a grungy apartment. Each morning, I would wake before her. I would pass my morning hours writing poetry on a yellow legal pad, sipping coffee. Mostly, I’d write the kinds of god-awful things you’d expect newlyweds to write. I’m talking painfully corny stuff. I’d...
By Pastor Doug Stauffer Another Valentine’s Day is just around the corner—February 14th. This day serves as a reminder to express our love for one another. In the U.S., roughly 190 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged each year, not including the hundreds of millions of cards school children swap....
By Myrna Conrad The start of a new year brings different thoughts and feelings for different people. Some are thankful that the past year is over, especially given the uncertainties of the last few years. There are those who are fearful of what the New Year might bring, given consequences...

Roller Man

By Sean Dietrich Once the holidays are over a lot of people curl up on their sofas and sink into clinical depression. And I am not kidding. I base this statement on an article sent to me by Glenn, a family therapist who notices a spike in depressed patients after the...
By Pastor Doug Stauffer Have you ever wondered how to make a difference in such a big world? The Bible says, “And of some have compassion, making a difference.” (Jude 22) Compassionate people are the difference makers. Additionally, God gives us the recipe for living peaceably by telling us to...

Whatever Happened To Holy?

By Myrna Conrad Webster’s definition of Holy is “exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness; divine. God’s Word uses Holy exclusively in relation to God or something pertaining to God. Even Webster’s definition as “one perfect in goodness and righteousness” can only be descriptive...
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