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News, events, and community information for Freeport and Niceville, Florida, including Hammock Bay and Bluewater Bay areas surrounding the Choctawhatchee Bay.

Impact100 NWF has begun recruitment for its 2021 membership base. Membership events are being virtually conducted from Grant Recipient locations throughout our community. During these events you will learn more about what Impact100 NWF does in the community, meet some of its members virtually and understand how our grants...
Northwest Florida State College’s call to action in 2021 is to promote engagement in the classroom, on our campuses and around the community. Led by our commitment to improve lives throughout the region, we are leaning into the new year with great anticipation for continued success and excellence. Using the...
The Sexual Assault Survivors Support Circle offers a safe, non-threatening and confidential setting for survivors of sexual violence to talk and process their feelings within a group setting with others who have experienced similar trauma. They meet every Tuesday from 10:30 -11:30 a.m. Issues such as trust, anger, grief,...

Bay Buzz January 2021

New President at CALM Organization, Inc. Crisis Aid for Littles and Moms (CALM) Organization, Inc. is proud to announce that Chanie Erb has been selected as the President of the Board of Directors effective January 11, 2021 - September 2022. For over three years, Chanie has been a strong supporter...
Okaloosa County Superintendent Marcus Chambers: As we move into the second semester, beginning January 26th, keep in mind that students can continue in the mySchool Online (MSO) program or transition back to their brick and mortar school. Before the holidays, the parents of struggling MSO students received a letter, phone...
The first Special Olympics was held on August 2, 1968. Since then, the program has impacted millions, and continues to do so more with each passing year. So what does the Special Olympics do exactly? Their overall mission is to provide year round sports training and competition for individuals with...
“Unprecedented” is the Word for 2020 By Dave White, Publisher, SoWal Life & PCB Life Users of the online dictionary, Dictionary.com, voted “unprecedented” as the People’s Choice 2020 Word of the Year. Can anyone disagree? 2020 has certainly been an unprecedented year of problems, challenges, pivots, solutions and, perhaps, even successes....
The Taylor Haugen Trophy award given each year will now include a $1,000 donation to the athletic department of the Trophy winner’s school! This is in addition to the winner earning the trophy and a $1,000 scholarship. Every February the prestigious Taylor Haugen Trophy is awarded to a high school...
By Kelly Humphrey At an age when many folks are enjoying a well-deserved retirement, the 87-year-old has as much energy as three 29-year-olds. Between overseeing his multiple business operations and staying active in his community, Herden stays fit and mentally sharp. While he has no intention of slowing down, after...
The Extraordinary Story Behind The Community By Kelly Humphrey Some might call it the end of an era. After more than 45 years of serving as the face of the Bluewater Bay development, Raimund Herden has left the area to return to his native Germany. As he says good-bye to his...
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