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Business news and local business reviews for Freeport and Niceville, Florida, including the Hammock Bay and Bluewater Bay areas surrounding the Choctawhatchee Bay.

Managing an organization is a full-time commitment and a business owner’s top priority. The day to day can become easily consumed by administrative responsibilities, vast amounts of paperwork, government compliance and detailed accounting. Unless your business specializes in these areas, that does not leave much time for the heart of...
CareerSource Okaloosa Walton systematically began reopening its Fort Walton Beach Career Center on May 18th to serve those most impacted by COVID-19. Virtual services will continue to be provided online, by phone and email. Initially, the career center will be open by appointment only, weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4...
By Chris Balzar, ECES In my household, energy consumption has increased with the stay-at-home order and e-learning with my children. We are streaming more, using devices more. We are using and occupying living spaces more, cooking more, washing hands more, using major appliances more. We can’t avoid more, so below...
By Maurice Stouse, Branch Manager and Financial Advisor Many investors today worry about identity theft, which can mean the loss of some or, all of their assets. Identity theft is often reported to the work of a known attacker, making defense that much more difficult. It is more difficult because...
By Victoria Ostrosky Our local retail shops and restaurants are cautiously re-opening, with limitations. Our beaches are once again being enjoyed by residents and vacationers while (hopefully) adhering to social distancing. We are moving forward, closely monitoring the ongoing pandemic threat and hoping to slowly put it behind us. Andrea caught...
By Chris Balzar Now that most of us are spending more time at home and using more energy, here are a few myths to help save energy. Let’s face it, saving energy has an important impact for all of us. Sometimes this advice can get confusing or contradicting and we...
By Rita L. Sherwood Meet Kimberly and Blake Gasaway from Niceville’s own American Eagle Fence Company. Blake and his family grew up vacationing here as his mom’s side of the family lived in Laurel Hill since the 1840s. Not many locals can say that! A member of the American Fence Association,...
By Matthew Vanderford, Claimology The last thing I wanted to do was start writing an article about COVID-19. I mean everywhere we turn it’s an article about COVID-19, another conversation about COVID-19, more chatter, more worry, more uncertainty, more misinformation and worse yet, sometimes the information that’s legit isn’t helping,...
By Rachel Russell With the world being on a literal shut down the last few days, many of us have had to come to a place of PAUSE. In this PAUSE, we can fall into the trap of worry and fear and become immobilized. But for those of us whose...
By The Hive Creative Consulting The spread of coronavirus is affecting everything from travel plans to the supply of toilet paper, and the workplace is no different. As we try to mitigate the spread of the virus, many employees have found themselves suddenly working from home. It can be challenging...
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