BE Niceville Luncheon August 25th


Bridget Carnley, the Florida Director for the U.S. Convention of States, will be the featured speaker at the August 25th Business Empowered Luncheon. If you are frustrated with the current direction of our nation, Bridget will show you a very credible solution that our forefathers placed right into our constitution, and we are more than three quarters of the way there. Her talk entitled: “Article V, a Constitutional Solution” will show us “why we cannot divorce ourselves from the truth of God.” Her own personal testimony will provoke thinking and encourage you as well. Plan now to join us August 25th at 11:30 a.m. at The Wharf 850, 821 Bayshore Dr., Niceville, 32578.

Please call, text or email Al Niedbalski at 850-586-1472 or
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