A Pastor’s Ponderings: A Week in the Life of This Pastor


By Pastor Doug Stauffer

My dad was a towering (often intimidating) figure in my youth, standing six foot five. Add over twenty years in the military followed by ten years as Captain of a police force, and “you will still have barely a glimpse of what I’m talking about.” I inherited my mom’s genes, making me a bit vertically challenged. Both of them taught me life’s lessons that impacted me immeasurably.

My dad taught me many things, especially through his example, like working hard. He stressed that time wasted is time lost, never to be redeemed. As I matured, I realized the wisdom of this guidance and that some of the simplest choices produced the most profound outcomes. Forty years ago, I decided to follow Jesus, taking the admonitions of scripture seriously.

I have studied my Bible for four decades now, even writing over twenty books on the subject. Decisions have consequences—some bad, some good—and the profoundly impactful ones I treasure most. I learned that one of my best investments involved quality time poured into the lives of others.

I am blessed to experience so many great things because I actively engage in this life with robust passion and laser-focused purpose. There is always something to learn in life’s arena, and the best growth comes through timely sowing, regular watering, and then reaping your investment.

As I listened to Aaron Hale speak on Thursday night (EODFudge.com), one poignant statement of his seemed to sum things up nicely, “Success without contribution is the biggest failure.” I choose to wear many hats, all focused on making a difference.
So, I thought I would share some snippets from a week’s schedule in this pastor’s life.

Sunday: Preached three times at the Church I pastor

Monday: Afternoon funeral followed by the honor of praying before a packed house at the Okaloosa County School Board

Tuesday: Morning meeting at the Police Department as the Niceville Police Department chaplain. That afternoon I hosted Lieutenant Governor Nuñez at the Niceville Senior Center with twenty prominent Okaloosa County Representatives. Commissioner Mel Ponder and the Lt. Governor and I then met for a more intimate talk at Black Rifle Coffee Company.

Wednesday: Evening church service followed by catching the last half of Northwest Florida State College Men’s Basketball game. I am a professional photographer, so I voluntarily take pictures for their social media platform.

Thursday: Lunch at Rocky Bayou Christian School, followed by a tour of this wonderful institution. That evening I presided as President of the Okaloosa County Republican Club, and J.D. Peacock swore in the newly re-elected board. This formality was followed by our speaker, Aaron Hale, stealing the show. While serving in Afghanistan, an IED blew up, with Aaron ending up blind and later deaf. Yet, he recently completed his first 100-mile ultra-marathon and McKayla, and he managed their own Fudge company (www.EODFudge.com).

Friday: The morning started with the Second annual Commissioner’s prayer breakfast hosted by Dr. Mike Mosley, with several hundred in attendance. It was inspiring and moving!

Saturday: We traveled to Pensacola to hear a Southern Gospel group in concert, followed up by finishing my sermons for the next day. Then comes another Sunday: lather, rinse and repeat with a new set of variables.

These are merely some highlights with one all-encompassing goal. “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16). To redeem time means to use it diligently. It is never too late to revolutionize your life with plenty of ways to engage in our community. Find out how to make a difference. The Bible says this could be you: “And of some have compassion, making a difference” (Jude 22). Busy people never have enough help; try volunteering.

Note: After serving 14 years in both the Navy as a chef to the Commander of the US 6th Fleet and then transitioning on to becoming an Army team leader in one of the military’s most dangerous jobs, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Staff Sergeant Aaron Hale was blinded by an IED. Not letting his injuries hold him back, Aaron became an EOD instructor, motivational speaker, mountain climber, white water kayaker, and marathon runner. Four years later tragedy struck again when Aaron contracted bacterial meningitis which robbed him of his hearing leaving him not just 100% blind but completely deaf as well.

Again, Aaron picked himself up, dusted off, and continued to chase the best of what life has to offer. Today, he’s back speaking and sharing his story, running marathons, he’s a proud husband and father of three boys, an 11 year old and two year old identical twins, runs a thriving chocolate company with his wife, a real estate investor, social media influencer, and recently completed his first 100 mile ultra marathon.

Dr. Doug Stauffer is pastor of Faith Independent Baptist Church. He was saved July 6, 1980, in Niceville, while stationed at the 33rd Tactical Fighter Wing at Eglin Air Force Base and has now been in the ministry for over 35 years. He has written 20 books including the best selling “One Book” trilogy (“One Book Rightly Divided, One Book Stands Alone, One Book One Authority”); along with several devotionals (“Daily Strength” series); and prophecy books (“Reviving the Blessed Hope, When the End Begins”).