An Attitude of Gratitude Can Save Your Life


Fitness Lisa TurpinBy Lisa Leath Turpin, Wellness Coach

Being grateful or thankful might be more difficult these days. 2020 is making us REALLY dig deep to find things to appreciate. But to contribute to Destin Life’s “Thankful” issue, I looked into the effects our attitudes can have on us physically and mentally. I found a profoundly informative article in that highlights studies from, Forbes, Berkley University, Kent State and several psychologists and doctors. It’s easy to understand the concept of giving thanks to someone and the benefits they receive. But, have you thought about how showing gratitude to someone that has done something for you or has positively affected your life does for YOU? Research shows that sharing your gratitude can:

• Help you make new friends
• Improve your physical health. People who exhibit gratitude report fewer aches and pains, have a general feeling of health, exercise more regularly, and have better doctor checkups.
• Improve your psychological health. Grateful people enjoy higher well-being and happiness and benefit from reduced symptoms of depression.
• Enhance empathy and reduce aggression.
• Improve your sleep. Studies show you sleep longer and better.
• Enhance your self-esteem.
• Increase in mental strength. Gratitude builds your ability to overcome trauma and gives you enhanced resilience, helping you bounce back from stressful situations

This article contains: Lots of what to do for yourself and others, 13 most popular gratitude exercises and activities, two gratitude quizzes and questionnaires, handy gratitude worksheets, examples and info for adults, kids (broken by ages), plus for teachers, and counselors. It gives access to gratitude apps and podcasts. The way I have always TRIED to practice gratitude is by following Philippians 4:6-7 which sums up exactly what’s best for YOU and your mind. And that is to find the things to be grateful/thankful for and focus and dwell on these things. BUT, by sharing your gratitude with others, you will have the benefits displayed above, all over your body and mind.

I found this piece more intriguing and inspiring than I ever thought I would. And it’s way more information than I can relay here, plus I want you to read for yourself. Just type ( and invest a little YOU time. The article itself isn’t all that long, but has lots of info for digging deeper into the parts you will benefit from the most. If you have children, it will be wonderful to show them what true gratitude is and how they can exercise it. I am thankful for you, the ones reading very much, although the 1st thing that popped into my head, pertaining to this article and my job as a personal trainer, is I am SO thankful for my clients. The relationships I have made are more important than I can express and my life is more fulfilled, because I know each and every one. On many days, they are my lifeline… they come to me for advice, support and motivation… but they LEAVE so much for me as well! And, thank you to Publisher, Lori Smith and Bay Life publication for allowing me to deliver information and training tips to our beautiful Destin community and beyond! I am taking new clients and would love to receive a message from you.