‘Tis the Season


Some postal tips from your friendly, neighborhood mail carrier, Greta Grumbine Charlton:

1) Be patient. Y’all know it’s Christmas, the busiest time of the year. Your package might not make it on time. It might get bogged down. It happens. Before giving your mail carrier the third degree, diving into their truck to find it yourself, or taking to social media to rant and rave, track it and see where it is. Make sure you have the right carrier (USPS, UPS, FedEx.) Remember that “anticipated delivery” is not guaranteed. Let’s show a little grace this time of year.

2) Leave your porch lights on! We’re delivering well past dark now. If your package shows “out for delivery,” and you haven’t received it yet, chances are, it’s on a second, or third, trip! If it’s dark, leave your light on, so your mail carrier can better see their way to your front door.

3) Keep your mailbox (and house) numbers visible! We love your Christmas decorations, but this time of year, it’s all hands on deck. Chances are, you will have an unfamiliar carrier out delivering parcels, so they will need to be able to see house and mailbox numbers. Keep those numbers visible to avoid delays in your packages getting delivered.

Thank you to everyone who makes this season easier for us on the front lines. The snacks and drinks you leave, the words of appreciation and encouragement, the smiles, are all so appreciated!