There is Still Time: Protecting Green Space at Bluewater Bay


By Barbara Palmgren, Bay Life Reporter and Author, “Saving A Golf Course”

I’ve come to realize that sometimes in life we are fortunate to have opportunities to step up in times of adversity, to be one more person to say, “Let’s roll. Let’s do this!”

Yes, it’s time for action. Action that will lead to a legacy for future generations to look back and be proud of those who stepped up to do what’s right—to save the legacy of beauty that is Bluewater Bay. And, right now, we need your help. Make no mistake about it, if 150 acres of green space, paid for by golf memberships and public play goes away, what follows will be similar to the words of a song, ”They paved paradise, to put up a parking lot.”

Or, in this case, the scenario will be more like, “They paved paradise to put up more houses, destroy green space and lower current property values.” If you don’t believe it, look at the houses being built across from the clubhouse where the driving range used to be. This is happening folks, right in front of our eyes.

In the days of yore or in the Wild, Wild West, we had heroes. Remember the Lone Ranger—that masked man who rode a white horse named Silver? Along with his faithful companion, Tonto, he would show up to save the day!

As many of you already know, Preserve Bluewater Bay has initiated the “Hi Ho Sliver” campaign where “heroes” can purchase “slivers” of land to help preserve the green space we all covet and want to keep for so many reasons. Many golf course property owners have joined the “Hi, Ho Sliver” campaign already to purchase land behind their property, extending it 20 feet into the golf course for $8 per sq. ft. with certain conditions. A yard sign thanking them will be placed in either their front or back yards so that golfers and the public will know who has helped save the day. But, in order to meet the late October goal, we need more folks to step up. If you’d like to become a hero, please contact Blue Marlin Pelican realtor Debbie Stretch at (850) 218-8312 for more information about this purchase.

Several neighbors, who live on parts of the course that were not saved, regret they did not have the opportunity to do this. One homeowner on hole number 6 of the closed lake course said, “The garbage truck goes past the front of my house five days a week; with the new construction of homes it will go behind my house five days a week.” The thought of more traffic and more infrastructure is no longer a threat for this person. It is reality.

What’s exciting is that this opportunity to purchase extra footage on the course will ensure that other homeowner’s backyards will continue to have a beautiful golf course view where the course is mowed and maintained at no cost to the homeowner.

What happens if the green space is lost? Looking out at another homeowner’s backyard? Hearing another noisy garbage truck? Struggling with more traffic? More noise? Loss of natural beauty? More waiting in line at establishments in the nearby shopping plaza? More worry about losing the resale value of your home that is no longer on a golf course? If enough funds are not raised, the only winners are developers who are waiting currently to see what the outcome will be.

You don’t have to live on the golf course to be part of Preserve Bluewater Bay. There are several other community heroes who are pledging thousands of dollars regardless of whether they live on the course or even in Bluewater Bay. They understand the value of saving 150 acres of green space that is maintained and protected by funds raised from golf course operations. The golf course is now succeeding financially and has all the equipment, staff and materials to operate for a profit.

At the forefront of this organization to protect and preserve are people who want no recognition. They know what’s right and what must be done. The “Capital Campaign” leadership and the organization Preserve Bluewater Bay are dedicated to preserving this magnificent green space. They are awaiting notification of 501C3 non-profit status that has been applied for and could be used for tax purposes as well.

In last month’s article, I reported that $900,00 had been pledged. That pledge is now $1.2 million. Close to $2 million is the goal by late October. The critical timeline is fast approaching. If you have been waiting to make a decision, will you please take a leap of faith and pledge support now?

REMEMBER funds are being pledged only at this time. No checks will be written until a deal has been brokered in late February 2024. To help, contact David Rauch at (850) 865-0907 or visit There is still time for every person to be a hero—every person can participate in saving this 150-acre green space paradise that will be shared with our future generations.