Stand Up To Breast Cancer Oct. 29th!


Each year in October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For more than two decades, October has been the designated focal point of all things breast cancer related and raising awareness for women to get screened for early detection, diagnosis and treatment, along with emphasizing support for those who are living survivors.

As part of Fort Walton Beach Medical Center and Twin Cities Hospital’s Breast Cancer Awareness month activities, the Stand Up to Breast Cancer dinner will be held on Tues., Oct. 29 at The Henderson Beach Resort in Destin from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Tickets and tables are available at This event reaches women and men, alike, to raise awareness of the importance of early detection.

Special guest speaker is Brenda Ladun, who anchors the 6:00 and 10:00 News on ABC 33/40 in Birmingham, Ala. She’s worked in Birmingham television for two decades and is a five-time winner of the Alabama Associated Press Award for Best Investigative Reporter and Best Specialized reporter. Most recently, Brenda won the Associated Press Award for best anchor. She has also won several community awards for her work with the underprivileged. She works with the Grace House Christian Home for Girls and The American Cancer Society as well as other community organizations Birmingham as well.
In February of 2001 and in 2007, Brenda had the fight of her life. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery. She has successfully completed chemotherapy and has made it a priority to make sure the public has access to cancer information through the Cancer Resource Center on ABC 33/40’s website. Brenda is committed to keeping ABC 33/40 viewers aware of developments in the search for a cure with nightly “Cancer Facts.” On October 29th, she will share her story and the journey she took as she fought the battle against breast cancer.

The Stand Up to Breast Cancer Event was created to honor local breast cancer survivors and help raise awareness. Join for an interactive, fun-filled night of inspiration, dinner and cocktails as 20 local breast cancer survivors are honored and help raise awareness. Seating is limited; registration is required! For more information, or to purchase tickets, visit for tickets. #StandUpToBreastCancer