Essential Policy Portfolio Reviews
By Victoria Ostrosky
He must have hit a puddle of water. Something grabbed his car and tossed it forcefully aside into the guardrail. He heard...
ENGAGE Northwest Florida State College
Northwest Florida State College’s call to action in 2021 is to promote engagement in the classroom, on our campuses and around the community. Led...
Meet our Local Pro: Kirk Gaskin with Briar Patch Realty, A...
By Lori Leath Smith
Meet local real estate broker John Kirk Gaskin. He opened his business Briar Patch Realty in 2017 because he wanted to...
Sexual Assault Survivors Meet Each Tuesday
The Sexual Assault Survivors Support Circle offers a safe, non-threatening and confidential setting for survivors of sexual violence to talk and process their feelings...
What’s Your 2021 Story?
By Stephenie Craig, Journey Bravely
2020 is over and yet you might continue to face many of the same challenges as you enter the new...
By Chris Balzer, ECES
Welcome 2021! Last year was certainly a unique one. Once driving to the bank with my son, he said, “Dad, I...
No Boat? No Problem!
By Cali Hlavac, To Do in Destin
In our lucky little fishing village, it may be perceived that a boat is necessary to catch certain...
Investing in the New Year
By Maurice Stouse, Financial Advisor and Branch Manager
Each new year brings resolutions, new goals, new plans as well as the review of existing plans....
2020: What Happened in Real Estate and Why it’s Important to...
Time for the Annual: Just the Stats, Ma’am
By Gail Pelto
2020. Done. Caput! On to a new, exciting year! (And Thank Goodness for THAT!) So,...