Northwest Florida Prophecy Conference


Faith Independent Baptist Church and Southwest Radio Ministries (SWRC of Oklahoma City, Okla.) welcome you to the two-day 2023 Northwest Florida Prophecy Conference.

SWRC ministries began in 1933 and holds the distinction of being the longest-running continuous national radio program. Their programs have been broadcast on hundreds of radio stations nationwide and have reached millions through their worldwide outreach.

The SWRC ministry primarily focuses on Bible prophecy. So, each evening closes with Dr. Doug Stauffer teaching on this subject. One in every four Bible verses contains prophecy: 31,124 Bible Verses, with 8,352 verses covering prophecy, equaling 27% of the Bible. More than one-fourth of the Bible! Prophecy is a significant part of divine revelation from God.
Prophecy teachings offer a proper perspective on life and help understand the Bible.
Prophecy motivates believers to live godly and exhibits the integrity of God’s word. Since Jesus said that we are to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4), we disobey God when we ignore Bible prophecy.

Six national speakers:
Larry Spargimino—Senior Staff Evangelist Southwest Radio Ministries
Pastor Douglas Stauffer—Pastor of Faith Independent Baptist Church, Niceville, Florida
Pastor Greg Patten—Pastor of The Cross in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and former syndicated DJ
Larry Stamm—Founder of Larry Stamm Ministries, a messianic ministry
Micah Van Huss—Former legislator, military, and current expert on all things supernatural
Pastor Josh Davis— Staff Evangelist Southwest Radio Ministries / Prophecy in The News

Schedule: Friday—
February 17
8:00am—(Doors Open)
9:00am—Matthew Hill/Douglas Stauffer—(Opening Remarks)
9:15am—Micah Van Huss—“Ancient Cities and the Gods who Built them”
10:30am—Pastor Josh Davis—“The Fake Jesus”
11:45am—Pastor Larry Spargimino—“This Tulip Has Thorns-Part 1”
2:00pm—Larry Stamm—“Christ in The Passover”
3:15pm—Greg Patten—“America is it Over”
5:00pm—Douglas Stauffer—“Ready or Not Here He Comes”

Schedule: Saturday—
February 18
8:00am—(Doors Open)
9:00am—Matthew Hill/Douglas Stauffer—Opening Remarks
9:15am—Micah Van Huss—“The Earth as it Was”
10:30am—Pastor Josh Davis—“One World Update”
11:45am—Pastor Larry Spargimino—“The Tulip Has Thorns-Part 2”
2:00pm—Larry Stamm—“Serving in His Court”
3:15pm—Greg Patten—“The Real World of The Spirits”
5:00pm—Douglas Stauffer—“Post Trib Rapture Hoax”

$20 advance / $25 at the Door