Navigating a Trip With Your CPAP Machine


By Kelly Stalnaker

Are you a CPAP user that’s planning an upcoming trip? Perhaps there’s a late summer getaway in your near future; or a visit to family/friends out of town for a wedding or other special occasion? Traveling with your CPAP machine and supplies may seem daunting, but there are things you can do to make it easier!

Packing for your trip is obviously of the utmost importance; you need to remember everything from medications to personal hygiene items to extra underwear. But, when you have a CPAP, you also have to remember your machine, masks, cushions, tubing and more. And since you’re already gathering all of the necessities, experts recommend including a few extra essentials. Our favorite tip is to pack a paper copy of your prescription with you. Nearly every single day we have patients visiting our area that have forgotten (or broken) pertinent CPAP pieces. Fortunately, we can help. But, often we do need a prescription to get them what they need. Save yourself the hassle of trying to contact your doctor while you’re on vacation, and bring your prescription with you. Just keep it in your bag!

Another often overlooked component is the power supply. It is either left behind (still plugged into the wall) or not compatible with electrical outlets (if traveling outside of the U. S.). Creating a thorough checklist prior to starting the packing process can help alleviate some of these travel woes.

Depending on the specifics of your trip, you might want to consider packing a battery backup. Suppose you’re going camping and will be away from a source of electricity for an extended amount of time. Or maybe you’ll be traveling to a location that is forecasted to have severe weather with possible power outages. In these situations, a battery backup would be the only option for securing a good night’s sleep. At J&B Medical we carry the popular Portable Outlet for these types of situations. But even if you’re not traveling under these conditions, the Portable Outlet is handy to have around anytime as you never know when you’ll lose electricity, especially during hurricane season!

If just the thought of lugging around your bulky CPAP machine through airports and hotels feels like too much, then consider downsizing to a travel CPAP machine! Lightweight and portable, these machines offer the same features but in a more compact size. We carry one about the size of a baseball! But whether you are traveling with a portable or standard machine, the protocol at security in most airports remains the same; prior to entering the security line, remove your device from its bag and send it through the x-ray machine like any other electronic item. Labeling the bag with a “medical equipment luggage tag” is also advised for more efficiency at the airport.

At J&B Medical, we have a variety of travel machines and accessories to help make your CPAP journey more comfortable and convenient. Stop by and see us anytime Monday through Friday from 9 until 5 at 540 E John Sims Pkwy. in Niceville. Or call 850-729-2559 and see how we can help you with your CPAP needs!