Meet Our Local Pro: Dr. Fred Ruder, Seacrest Dental


Dr. Fred Ruder with Seacrest Dental says his favorite part of being a dentist is that he has the chance to positively affect people’s health as well as their self-esteem.

Dr. Ruder fell in love with our area while on a trip here after University of Maryland Dental School graduation. “I went to the beach and the sand was white and the ocean was emerald green. I was floored by its beauty and was hooked. I thought if I ever get the chance I would move here.” And we’re glad he did! “Living here is like living twice as long, since you are not cooped up inside half the year.”

Since 1981, Dr. Ruder has been on the frontline when it comes to finding health issues a person might be unaware of. “Many diseases affect the mouth and certain mouth issues can cause systemic problems. For example,” he says, “our team is often the first to discover diabetes, leukemia, osteoporosis, Sjogern’s syndrome, oral cancer, gerds, throat cancer, sleep apnea, anemia and heart disease, just to mention a few. Many of these diseases leave telltale signs in the mouth. Diabetes, for example, commonly will manifest with poor healing or as gingivitis and periodontitis even in patients with good oral hygiene.”
“Teeth that have chronic infections and gum disease will cause systemic inflammation. If a patient has an artery that has a 50% blockage or more, this inflammation can cause the plaque to block the blood flow which can cause bleeding. The body will try to clot the bleeding area which can completely block the artery resulting in either a heart attack or stroke if it happens in your brain or heart, respectively,” says Dr. Ruder.

But the most satisfying for him is improving someone’s smile. “We can do that with veneers, crowns, implants, partial or full dentures, and just common fillings. These changes can make a big difference in the way people feel about themselves and their appearance. It can be quite dramatic and satisfying.”

As an example, Dr. Ruder says a patient came in missing his upper left lateral, the tooth next to the front tooth. “He requested no anesthesia we started the procedure at 12:50 p.m. and were finished by 1:10 p,m. This is a permanent replacement of his front tooth; it doesn’t come in and out like a partial denture. But it makes a big difference in his appearance.” The results are dramatic and quick.

Dr. Ruder enjoys his career also because it allows him to influence others by example. “I was the first dentist in my family. My first cousin visited from Pittsburgh and I extracted his wisdom teeth. He went home, quit his job and became the second dentist in the family four years later, now practicing in Lake Winola, Pa. Both of my sons attended University of Maryland Dental School. Reese, the first to graduate dental school, married a classmate and he and his wife, Sarika work at their Seacrest Dental office in Miramar Beach. My sister became a hygienist and married a dentist. My other first cousin’s son became a dentist and practices in Houston. Ross, my younger son, is practicing with me at our new office.”

Dr. Ruder’s new office recently opened on 331 South next to Elmore’s Landing and South Walton High School with easy access and more parking. Two offices, one in Miramar Beach, 66 N. Holiday Rd., 850-213-2626, and one in Santa Rosa Beach, 24696 U.S. Highway 331 S., 850-231-3736, are ready to serve and take your appointment.