Meet Our Local Pro: Amy Milligan, Owner of CRYO850


You’ve seen the ads and social media posts from friends and celebrity athletes about cryotherapy. Maybe even done a little research of your own? Maybe you’re even ready to give it a try? CRYO850 Owner, Amy Milligan, shares a little information to better prepare our readers for a visit to the “Coolest Spot in Destin!”

Amy, what are the benefits? Cryotherapy was originally developed for pain management as the sub-zero temperatures calm pain receptors and relieve joint and muscle inflammation. When athletes discovered it also flushes lactic acid to eliminate delayed onset muscle soreness and increase endurance, it became popular among people with active lifestyles. Cryotherapy increases metabolism and boosts collagen, so benefits include calorie burn and healthier hair and skin. It’s also important to note the flush of toxins means cryotherapy provides a healthy boost to the immune system.

You offer electric technology. What does that mean? The original technology required cooled liquid nitrogen for cooling. To breathe, you have to keep your head out of the treatment. Nitrogen is heavier than air, so the cooling tends to drop and there is a risk of nitrogen burns. We chose electric technology to avoid risks and for even body cooling. Including the head gives the added benefit of exposure to the face (great for the skin) and re-oxygenation of the brain which triggers endorphins for better focus, mood and sleep. Ours is the only electric chamber in Northwest Florida. We affectionately refer to it as The Emerald Coast Igloo thanks to local artist, Joey Canton, who painted it to add a little fun to the experience.

What do we need for an Electric Cryotherapy Session? Gym shorts and a sports bra or tank top. The more exposed skin, the more effective. Robes are available for added cover if desired and we provide all protective gear. Because the cold brings blood to the heart, it’s important to cover extremities which means ears, hands and feet. We also provide a face mask to protect from breathing the cold air. The chamber can hold up to three people, so you can also bring a friend or two!

Are there any restrictions? We have a general waiver and an intake questionnaire to capture basic information and any injuries or medical concerns. There are a few absolute contraindications including pregnancy and severe heart conditions. Sometimes, we suggest a conversation with your doctor before treatment. We also suggest a three-day waiting period after Botox or fillers. Different services in the center have relative contraindications, but most everyone can experience whole body cryotherapy.

What can we expect for our first visit? Our staff makes sure your extremities are covered and queues up the music of your choice. Some customers jam out, run in place, or even dance. Others prefer a more relaxing environment for stretching or meditation. We review a few safety measures and remind you to enter and exit quickly to contain Florida humidity. First time sessions are set at 2:30 to allow your body time to acclimate. We kick it up to 2:45 on your second session and 3:00 for repeat visits. That’s really all it takes to cool your body, increase metabolism, flush inflammation, and produce endorphins and collagen! You can exit the chamber at any time during a session.

Are there any other cold therapies at your center? Yes. Because your capillaries open during the whole body session, supplementing with Localized Cryotherapy gives exponential tissue penetration to reduce inflammation. Localized Cryotherapy is still beneficial as a stand-alone application too — similar to an extreme ice pack. Another offering is Pagani Recovery which involves direct application of extreme cold (and/or hot) temperatures to the skin. Pagani Cold Therapy is excellent to draw inflammation from a new injury and Pagani Contrast Therapy does wonders to ease nagging soreness.

One whole body cryo session is $40. Localized is $20 and Pagani is $40. All services are sold individually with discounts found in packages and membership. Amy recommends the $99 Day Pass for new customers which provides the same experience of membership including red light therapy, whole body cryotherapy, localized cryotherapy, vibration therapy and compression therapy.

Amy’s motto? Less Pain! More Life! Visit the only electric cryotherapy chamber in Northwest Florida at CRYO850, City Market Bayside, 4495 Furling Lane, Unit 10, Destin. Follow @cryo850 on Instagram or Facebook or visit