FWC Announces 2022 Lionfish Challenge


The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission announces the 2022 Lionfish Challenge tournament, which ends Sept. 6. The Lionfish Challenge is a summer-long lionfish tournament open to competitors around Florida. The goal is to remove as many lionfish as we can in just three-and-a-half months.

Participants will compete in either the commercial or the recreational division.
Prizes will be awarded in tiers as follows: Tier 1, harvest 25 lionfish (recreational category) or 25 pounds of lionfish (commercial category); tier 2, harvest 100 lionfish (recreational category) or 250 pounds of lionfish (commercial category); tier 3, harvest 300 lionfish (recreational category) or 500 pounds of lionfish (commercial category); and tier 4, harvest 600 lionfish (recreational category) or 1000 pounds of lionfish (commercial category).
To read the full tournament rules or register, visit FWCReefRangers.com/lionfish-challenge.