Freeport Veterans Memorial Unveils Final Two Venues


By Lori Leath Smith

Freeport Veterans graceA dream that formed roughly 10 years ago has finally manifested. Freeport local Tim Ard and many others are realizing a decade-long compassionate and innovative vision — the completion of Freeport Veterans Memorial Park!

Located on the grounds of Freeport City Hall at 112 Hwy. 20 W. and dedicated on Nov. 11, the park is a historical feat devoted to those who serve or have served our country, and is a very special way to say, “Thank you for your service—for your sacrifice, courage and service in the fight for freedom.”

At the recent celebration, two final venues were unveiled, The Grace Project, a tribute to women who serve in the armed forces, and Freedom Flame, the new eternal flame set in a reflection pond. The Grace Project venue also features five local servicewomen who represent all.

Tim, who is project chair, residents and city officials are thankful and proud to have a special place in Casey Park to celebrate and salute active, retired and fallen service members for generations to come. “It has been a journey like no other,” says Tim. “We’ve laughed, cried, celebrated and worried over the years, but it has been worth every drop of emotion. The park looks incredible and I can hardly wait to share it with the world.”

There has been a new unveiling each year for these past 10. Last year, the memorial “Homecoming” was unveiled as a dedication to the children of those who serve to recognize the absence of that family member while they are away. Also, the addition of a War Dog Memorial, a new POW/MIA statue along with new seating at the site, and an Invisible Wounds memorial pays tribute and honor to those men and women who have served our country in conflict and, as a result, suffer the effects of PTSD/TBI.

The entire project came about in January of 2010 at a meeting of the Freeport Town Planters Society. “A letter was read to the membership penned by then city historian, the late Beckie Buxton,” says Tim. “The letter had been written on behalf of local and long time Freeport resident Trudy Boudreaux. Boudreaux’s husband Bob, who had passed away in 2006, was a member of the first ever Blue Angel flight crew and it had long been his desire to see a veteran’s tribute in his beloved Freeport.” Tim, a member, was so moved by the letter that he volunteered to spearhead the project, and so the journey began.

With the community behind the effort 100 percent, on Veterans Day 2010, the initial monument featuring an eagle in flight and the five service branch markers were unveiled and dedicated before a crowd of more than 200. In 2011, branch service flags were added behind each of the stones. In 2012, a bronze Fallen Soldier Memorial was added. That same year, the sponsor walk was bricked and the POW/MIA flagpole and ground stone were unveiled and dedicated.

In 2015 the Freeport City Council allowed for park expansion by donating land west of the sidewalk. There, in 2016, the HERO WALK monument and brick walk was dedicated. The addition of a beautiful PURPLE HEART memorial honoring all of our combat wounded was dedicated by Purple Heart recipients in 2017 sponsored by the St. Joe Community Foundation.

Expansion continued and 2018 brought the WALK OF WAR to the Memorial Park. Veterans from WWII, Korea, Vietnam and Desert Storm helped to dedicate it. Each year’s projects were dedicated on Veteran’s Day.

Tim said the journey would have been impossible without the constant help from sponsors GLMCO Memorials of Walton County and Stonescapes of Freeport and the never-ending support of the Freeport community.

Even though there will be no more venues to unveil, plans are for the Veterans Day celebration to continue each year. And locals and visitors can enjoy the park every day.
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