Freedom: A Different Point of View


By Scott Miller, Local Homeowner

Freedom—ahhh, sweet freedom. As Americans we are blessed to enjoy freedom in many ways.

These days there is certainly a lot of discussion on this topic and many points of view. Especially right now having just celebrated the 4th of July and being smack dab in the throws of a presidential election year. Yes, indeed there is much talk and discussion happening on this subject. But this article is a little different than you may be expecting. This is from a point of view that you might not have considered. This point of view is from our four-legged family.

Many homeowners are also pet owners. I know, you might be saying, “Where is this going?”

Well, I just wanted to take a lighter approach today to the topic of freedom; what better way than from the eyes of our happy, go lucky, never had a bad day, tail wagging, unconditional loving four-legged family members.

When we bought our new house and made it our new home, we were happier than a camel on hump day. It had everything we ever wanted: room to grow, awesome neighbors, close to the beach, on and on. Except one thing. We did not have a fence around our yard. With a couple of little grand babies and a couple dogs, we had really gotten used to having a fenced in yard.

And, so did our precious pets, Bella and Nina. They used to love being able run free and play in the yard every day. So, after we moved into our new home, quite frankly it was back to walks on a leash for our doggies. The frolicking and running through the yard took a pause.

Something just had to be done. Enter the amazing people from American Eagle Fence who saved the day. Blake Gasaway, Niceville resident and owner of American Eagle Fence, along with his team of awesome and amazing employees, helped us fix the problem and installed a beautiful black aluminum fence around our backyard. And now Bella and Nina have their freedom back. Not to mention the piece of mind we now enjoy again whenever the grand babies are playing outside. They’re not outside alone, of course, but even when we are just a few feet away, it’s amazing how they just naturally find a way to run off and play hide and seek. So, the security of knowing they can only go so far is a blessing for sure.

When we say the word “outside?” Bella and Nina instantly get excited. They hurry to the back door, tails wagging, eyes shining, jumping for joy just waiting for someone to open that door and let the freedom flow. Our dogs bring us so much joy, the least we could do was give them back the joy and freedom they deserve.

So, take my advice, call Blake and his team soon and let them help you transform your home sweet home to a home, fun, safe and secure home. There are so many reasons a beautiful new fence makes life even better at your home. It sure has for us.
American Eagle Fence is locally owned and operated—experienced, insured and professional. Give them a call, I promise you’ll be glad you did!

(850) 502-8360
68 John Sims Pkwy. E., Niceville