ENGAGE Northwest Florida State College


Northwest Florida State College’s call to action in 2021 is to promote engagement in the classroom, on our campuses and around the community. Led by our commitment to improve lives throughout the region, we are leaning into the new year with great anticipation for continued success and excellence.

Using the word ENGAGE as our focus, six actionable targets will guide our efforts:

We are striving to ELEVATE educational attainment and our service territory (Okaloosa and Walton counties) to a region of prominence by raising expectations that NWF State College is the first choice for higher education and vital to the success of the Northwest Florida region. We offer accessible, affordable and relevant programming via multiple learning methods. Through innovative partnerships with business and industry, we are equipping the local workforce with valuable credentials and infusing that talent back into the community.

To NURTURE a culture of inclusiveness and diversity, we are diligently pursuing a college family where differences are valued, treatment is equitable, and individuals feel empowered to effect change. This creates an environment which allows everyone to reach their full potential; provides multiple perspectives and delivers better performance outcomes.

NWFSC’s 2020-2023 Strategic Plan’s overarching goals are to GENERATE engagement throughout our classrooms, campuses and community. Initiatives focused on community, workforce, and economic development will foster greater opportunities for progress.
By pursuing active and engaged learning in our classrooms, we will ADVANCE high-quality programming that meets the needs of business and industry in our region. As a result, we are preparing our students for university transfer and to be highly competent employees filling jobs in the contemporary workforce.

We aim to GUARANTEE a culture of continuous improvement and best practices. Our institution remains flexible and agile in response to the changing needs of business and industry. Moving forward together, we seek to provide multiple pathways for student success.

As influencers, it is our duty to EMPOWER members of our community to effect change. We all benefit when we embrace differences and expand inclusion. Individuals succeed by helping others improve their lives, and at NWFSC we are seeking solutions that truly help every person rise.

We are working each and every day to ‘make a difference’ and improve the quality of place in Northwest Florida. Regardless of the career path, Northwest Florida State College is the open door for all students to pursue a strong and progressive future.

Enrollment for our Spring 2021 term is underway with multiple start dates still available! Fast-track your education by signing up for NWFSC’s Bonus Term beginning February 5. These 12-week, academic support-enhanced classes are being offered online with built-in learning coaches. We encourage you to visit www.nwfsc.edu to learn more about our programs, or call 850-502-2895 to speak to one of our Student Success Navigators.
