Education News June 2024


NWFSC Student Government Shines for Florida

The Northwest Florida State College (NWFSC) Student Advisory Board made a significant impact at the annual End-Year Conference of the Florida College System Student Government Association (FCSSGA), hosted by Seminole State College in Sanford, Florida, in April. Among the accolades, NWFSC student Abdiel Alvarado-Pabon secured the Region Rookie Student Award, Lillian Roller received the Region Student Leadership Award and Connor Kilroy was honored with the State President’s Award. Additionally, the NWFSC chapter was recognized for its commitment to service, earning the State Volunteer Award for accumulating over 100 hours of volunteer work. The FCSSGA represents the nearly one million students enrolled in the Florida College System’s 28 colleges.

Mid-Bay Rotary Completes an Emerald Coast Science Center (ECSC) Outdoor Classroom

Mid-Bay Rotary Completes an Emerald Coast Science Center (ECSC) Outdoor ClassroomThe ECSC mission is to inspire and grow a scientifically engaged community. The Mid-Bay Rotary’s project was the construction of an outdoor classroom located in an area that will be used for environmental learning. The outdoor classroom consists of a concrete base, a carport cover, and tables and benches. Mid-Bay helped finance the carport cover and Mid-Bay Rotary Club members and the 96th Logistics Readiness Squadron (LRS) volunteers moved nine concrete tables and 27 concrete benches to the new outdoor classroom. They also helped string lights for an ECSC fund raiser. The classroom was part of Mid-Bay’s and District 6940’s Rotary Year 2023-2024 Grants. Mid-Bay Rotarian Wayne Cheatum was Mid-Bay’s Lead. The ECSC Center’s focal point was the ECSC Director Diane Fraser.

NHS Web Programming Student 1st in Congressional App Challenge

Niceville High School Junior Andrew Putman 2023 Congressional App Challenge winner U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz announced Niceville High School Junior Andrew Putman as the 2023 Congressional App Challenge winner in Florida’s First District at Northwest Florida State College this past November. Andrew’s app, Assets4Kids, won first place in the competition, which aims to alleviate child poverty. He was inspired to develop the app after witnessing child poverty during a mission trip to the Dominican Republic.

Congressman Gaetz invited Andrew and his teacher, Carrie Foxhall, to the Capital Building in Washington, D.C. Accompanied by his parents and Ms. Foxhall, Andrew showcased Assets4Kids at the House of Code Reception in April. The Congressional App Challenge aims to inspire, include and innovate efforts around STEM, CODING and Computer Science Education. It is noteworthy that this is the fourth time a Niceville High School student has won the Congressional App Challenge in their district.

RBCS Has National Winners

Rocky Bayou Christian School’s Sydney Athearn won 1st place from the Joshua Expeditions Outstanding NACS Musician Award. High school seniors from the Class of 2024, 198 of them, enrolled in 19 member schools of the National Alliance of Christian Schools (NACS), were nominated to compete in a national awards program for their outstanding scholarship and/or musical achievements. Out of the 68 semifinalists selected from the field, 11 share the spotlight as 1st, 2nd, 3rd or Finalist award winners, dividing $10,250 in college grants: $2,500 to each 1st place winner, $1,250 to each 2nd place winner, $750 to each 3rd place winner and $250 to each finalist. The Outstanding NACS Scholars and Musician Awards Program is funded by a generous grant from Joshua Expedition, a non-profit Christian Student Travel company that offers global education and mission trips for high school students throughout the nation.

RBCS Results for National Latin Exams

Rocky Bayou Christian Academy’s Latin students placed well on the National Latin Exam taken on March 13, 2024. Individual winners were Magna Cum Laude Gaige Adkins; Cum Laude Ayden Mosley, Brianna Nutt, Colt Stevens, and Nolan Weisbruch; and Maxima Cum Laude (with ensuing Silver Medal) Lela Cawood, Janessa Laemmel, and Camden Miller. Their Latin teacher, Juliana Mosley, is very proud of their accomplishment.