Earth Day Every Day


By Chris Balzer, ECES

Here at Emerald Coast Energy Solutions (ECES), every day is Earth Day; we increase comfort and lower CO2 emissions saving the planet one home at a time. Here are some suggestions  to save energy, money and earth this Spring and Summer.

Air conditioning is vital, the States are getting warmer and we want mom to be comfortable. When you’re over, change the air condition filter. Clogged filters cause strain on the system and can lead to more service calls, costing mom money. Many HVAC professionals suggest using the less expensive filters to allow more air flow and efficiency. These filters do need to be changed more often, but cost less. After replacing the air filter, you can pour distilled vinegar down the condensate drain line to remove mildew and grime from the line, also extending time between service calls. If you’re uncomfortable or unfamiliar with this process, consult a professional. Be sure to dust HVAC vents and fans—these areas build up dust quickly and could be hurting the circulation of airflow as well.

One of the easiest ways to save energy is to change out incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs. LED bulbs can save as much as 75-80% on lighting cost and they can last 10-20 times longer than incandescent bulbs. Replacing five frequently used inefficient incandescent bulbs in your home with energy savings LED bulbs could save you about $75 per year and reduce your CO2 footprint. It’s also your turn to tell your mom to shut off the lights when leaving the room. Even with LED bulbs, when you are not in the room, switch off the lights and save energy.

What’s tall, green, made of wood and can save energy? (Hint: a tree) Doing a little landscaping and planting a tree can cut energy costs in the long run by adding shade during the summer months. Trees also help purify the air we breathe by absorbing pollutants and providing habitats for birds and other wildlife, maintaining a balance with nature.

Buy a power strip and plug energy vampire electronics like cell phone charges and other electronics which don’t need to be powered on all the time. By switching these off at the power strip when not in use or unplugging them can save up to $100 a year. When cell phone and tablet charges are not in use, they still consume energy, costing money and wasting energy.

If your HVAC constantly runs or there are rooms which never get cool, it may be time to schedule an energy inspection by a professional. These professionals can pin point areas which are losing energy and costing money. By addressing these areas with energy efficient solutions, you can increase comfort, lower energy bills and lower your CO2 footprint.
Also, try keeping our Earth and your Mom in your daily activities and actions.

Chris Balzer is Founder and President of Emerald Coast Energy Solutions which is a Smile Provider Company. We provide smiles to our customers after installing our high energy efficient products, increasing comfort and lowering energy bills. For more information on how to save this summer and become energy efficient, schedule an inspection by calling (850) 588-2870, visit or email and Beat the Heat.