Home Wellness


Wellness and fitness news, health information and tips from local wellness experts in Freeport and Niceville, Florida, including the Hammock Bay and Bluewater Bay areas surrounding the Choctawhatchee Bay.

By Dr. Jessica Monteleone, PT MS PhD There were five of us kids. My dad was a well-respected school teacher who educated children attending middle school in a small town in New England. My momma taught sewing class at night school for adults. We didn’t have a lot of money...
By Kelly Stalnaker Are you a CPAP user that’s planning an upcoming trip? Perhaps there’s a late summer getaway in your near future; or a visit to family/friends out of town for a wedding or other special occasion? Traveling with your CPAP machine and supplies may seem daunting, but there...
HCA Florida Fort Walton-Destin Hospital recently commemorated a half-century of service to our community with a grand celebration marking its 50th anniversary! Since its founding in 1974, the hospital has provided optimal healthcare services while evolving alongside the vibrant community it serves. Zach McCluskey, chief executive officer at HCA Florida...
By Stephenie Craig After three years of talking about moving to Florida, we listed our house thinking it might sell in six months to a year. Twelve days later we were thrust into disruption when the house sold and the reality of a cross country move set in. In some...
By Kay Leaman, Health Architect, HealthyDay HealthyLife LAUGH: To express certain emotions, especially mirth or delight, by a series of spontaneous, usually unarticulated sounds often accompanied by corresponding facial and bodily movements. People bring laughter into their lives in various ways. From watching comedy, to animal videos, telling jokes, listening to songs,...

Finding Balance

By Dr. Jessica Monteleone PT MS PhD As I was shoreline strolling the beach last week, an elderly woman was being escorted into the water by someone quite younger than herself. The elder appeared fearful and hesitant. Of course, I asked her if she would like my help, and both...
Did you know that grip strength is one of the biggest indicators of longevity in life? Grip strength can show a few important health factors in an individual, such as the ability to fight infection, can be an indicator of chronic disease and is directly correlated to a healthier...
By Stephenie Craig “We are limiting screen time because future research is going to show negative impacts of screens and social media on developing brains.” Insert eye roll from 3 boys who sometimes wish I wasn’t a therapist. Kids born in 2007, the iphone release year, are now 17 and...
By Kay Leaman, Health Architect, HealthyDay HealthyLife Vegetables. We all know we’re supposed to be eating more of them. A salad a day or veggies as the main with meat and starch as sides is a new goal for many. The thing we don’t think about is how to prepare...
By Kim Wonsick, J&B Medical, Inc. It’s officially hurricane season. Are you prepared? Preparation for a major weather event (or any type of emergency) can look different for each family. For example, preparations in a household with babies or young children will likely look very different than in a household with...
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