With his final novel, Time’s Orphan, officially launched this month, Niceville local award-winning author Hayley Reese Chow now offers the complete Odriel’s Heirs series, a fast-paced, young adult fantasy adventure.
The Odriel’s Heirs series tells the story of a world in which the powers of fire, invisibility and healing are...
Join us at the National Day of Prayer 2023 in Freeport, Thursday, May 4th, 6 p.m.
This year’s theme, Pray Fervently in Righteousness and Avail Much, is based on James 5:16, and serves as a reminder of the promise that, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
By Pastor Doug Stauffer
During this time of year, Christians celebrate Christ’s resurrection (called Easter). Upon dying, the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ left his dead body and spent three days and nights in the heart of the earth. On Sunday morning, his soul was resurrected and reunited with...
By Gueary Clendenning
In our culture, we think of the day as starting in the morning and ending with night. In the Biblical culture, the opposite is true. Genesis chapter 1, verse 5 reads: “...and the evening and the morning were the first day.” In the Jewish calendar, the sabbath...
By Sean Dietrich
She was trash. At least that’s how she was treated. She was found wandering a rural Mississippi highway. Beneath the stars.
It was a wonder the girl hadn’t been hit. This was a busy highway. The kind with transfer trucks.
The dog was walking in the center of the...
By Pastor Doug Stauffer
I have taught Revelation several times and written several books on the subject. Starting in March, we will study the Book of Revelation verse-by-verse at 7 p.m. each Wednesday. Everyone is welcome to attend or watch online.
High-Level Overview of Revelation
Revelation 1:19 Write the things which thou...
By Pastor Doug Stauffer
A person’s actions demonstrate compassion or the lack thereof. Five times the Bible uses the phrase “moved with compassion.” Four of these five references refer to Christ’s compassion toward others. They reveal that genuine compassion always moves people to do something for others. In Mark chapter...
By Sean Dietrich
The first concert I ever saw was the Oak Ridge Boys. I was 2 years old. Mama took me. I pooped my diaper while they were singing “Elvira.” My mother changed me at the foot of the stage as I was singing at the top of my...
Faith Independent Baptist Church and Southwest Radio Ministries (SWRC of Oklahoma City, Okla.) welcome you to the two-day 2023 Northwest Florida Prophecy Conference.
SWRC ministries began in 1933 and holds the distinction of being the longest-running continuous national radio program. Their programs have been broadcast on hundreds of radio stations...
By Pastor Doug Stauffer
God expects every true child of God to demonstrate compassion, but even more impressive is the thought that the Lord Jesus Christ manifested compassion during His earthly ministry. What an amazing truth—the Lord of glory willingly humbled Himself to suffer with and for others.
One might assume...