By Beth Clavier What’s in a name? Well, in Latin, “Sinfonia” means a group of musicians, which local founder, Artistic and Music Director Demetrius Fuller says is how Sinfonia Gulf Coast got its clever moniker. “I wanted Sinfonia to represent any group of musicians, not just a full orchestra, so we...
By Kenneth Books There is no cure for Autism Spectrum Disorder. And the expenses for families with a member who has autism are steep. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that, in addition to medical costs, intensive behavioral interventions for children with autism cost $40,000 to $60,000 per child per...
By Doug Stauffer There were smiling faces and cheers everywhere when the Blue Blazer board members of the All Sports Association made their announcements at Niceville High School. The philanthropic association awarded several prestigious awards to three Niceville student-athletes and an assistant coach. The Cornell-bound multi-sport athlete Noah Harman was awarded...
The Emerald Coast is home to some of the most diverse and dynamic ecosystems in the world, so abundant with marine life that it is no surprise that it attracts anglers from all over. Our waters, stretching from rivers to the Gulf, host some of the best fishing on...
By Lori Leath Smith What makes your favorite song your favorite? It’s likely the story it tells. And that’s what is so special about the 30A Songwriters Festival. On Jan. 14-17, South Walton will be transformed into a story-in-song paradise and the “hottest” mid-January mecca for music fans. And the best...
By Lori Leath Smith It’s a Tuesday morning, and I find myself in a morning staff huddle at the Hope Medical Clinic. The Clinic’s director, Tim Roberts, listens intently and compassionately, gives directions and perhaps courses of action, so all staff know what to expect and are ready for their...
Santa’s arrival to our area is a highlight of the season! Where can you find him Around Town? You can visit Santa at The Village of Baytowne Wharf at his sleigh Sat., Nov. 27 at his arrival and during the Tuba Christmas event on Sat., Dec. 11. If you miss...


By Rick Moore Buying presents for others is easier when you know what they like to collect. When someone asks me what they can buy for my mom, I let them know she collects teapots, which makes selecting a gift for her simple. My dad used to collect rare and...
By Heather Bennett This year I am Thankful to be spending the holidays with family once again. It’s been too long for some, and although we may feel like we are returning to a sense of normalcy this holiday season, there is still an ongoing need for giving. Too many...
By Matthew Eaton Paula Zoeller loved spending time with her kids and grandkids. However, her husband Jim began to notice a change in her he couldn’t describe. They moved from place to place, trying to find her happy spot, not realizing something more sinister was taking hold. A few months...
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