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Business news and local business reviews for Freeport and Niceville, Florida, including the Hammock Bay and Bluewater Bay areas surrounding the Choctawhatchee Bay.

By Victoria Ostrosky We’ve coined a new phrase for 2020 – “social distancing.” And a word that, until now, had been reserved for online gaming and the Plague. “Pandemic.” With the Coronavirus, or COVID-19, it seems our worst fears as a society have been realized. However, while we watch the...
By Maurice Stouse, Branch Manager and Financial Advisor Lt. General Russell Honore (USA retired) spoke recently about how the United States has responded to crises and adversity over its history. He shared that the U.S., although perhaps late in responding, has historically done so with overwhelming force through the call...
By Nellie Schlachter, Vice President-Retail Market Manager, Synovus Bank Writers have spun countless books and movie plots around the theme of one person pretending to be another. But the real-life crime of identity theft is serious business. The impact on victims can include damaged credit, financial ruin and a lengthy, frustrating...
Skipper’s Furniture and Mattress Depot is the ideal place to find the right mattress to give you a good nightʼs sleep, or to find just the right furniture to give your home the look and comfort you desire. “We are a locally-owned hometown furniture store,” said Stan Skipper Sr., who...
By Maurice Stouse, Branch Manager and Financial Advisor The world economy has slowed over that past year, wages have increased in the U.S., there have been disruptions to trade and most recently, concern for the public’s health. The uncertainty has brought significant volatility to stock markets around the world. As an...

Getting to the Cracks

By Matthew Vanderford, Claimology Spring is upon us and soon the winter’s chill will be just a memory. Earlier this morning I went outside attempting to pause for a moment and enjoy the transition. I heard the birds chirping, the sounds of saws and construction – the sounds of progress...
Who We Are Imagine if there was no help with spiritual encouragement, empowerment or equipping in today’s business marketplace? Fortunately, there is a way you can be “Business Empowered” and it’s right here in our community! Business Empowered (BE) was established in 2010 to bring hope, light and joy to workplaces...
By Jeremy Neel Sewage backups are a homeowner’s or renter’s worst nightmare. Backups can cause flooding, broken pipes, and introduce raw sewage into your home. Cleaning up after and fixing a problem like this is a task that is best left to a professional. Raw sewage carries a variety of germs and bacteria that...
By Chris Balzar Say goodbye to winter and hello to spring. The official first day of spring is March 19 and summer will follow close behind. If you are looking to save energy and money this spring, here are some tips: Switch to LED lighting Consider replacing your incandescent bulbs with LED...
By Victoria Ostrosky Eric was in an important meeting. He kept stealing glances at his cell phone, showing he’d missed three calls from his property management company. That didn’t bode well. As soon as he was able, he stepped out of the conference room and called them back. Nope. It wasn’t...
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