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Business news and local business reviews for Freeport and Niceville, Florida, including the Hammock Bay and Bluewater Bay areas surrounding the Choctawhatchee Bay.

The Economic Development Council of Okaloosa County (EDC) has created a new, on-line resource tailored to assist aspiring entrepreneurs, startups and small business owners. Dubbed Startup Okaloosa, the virtual incubator can now be found at www.startupokaloosa.com. Structured as an information portal, the site links to traditional and non-traditional funding partners,...
By Matthew Vanderford Imagine walking into your home after being gone for the weekend. You pull up to the house, get out of the car, open the door and hhmmm…something doesn’t feel right. Something doesn’t smell right. You turn on the light to find water all over your floors. There’s...
By Maurice Stouse, Branch Manager and Financial Advisor Today many Americans are having their faith and confidence in their health and wealth challenged as never before. While the pandemic continues to bring unexpected events into our lives, it is also seen as important that we stay informed and utilize helpful...

Duct, Duct, Goose?

By Chris Balzar, ECES Do you remember the childhood game Duck Duck Goose? Do you know Duct Duct Goose? Of course not, it’s made up. Ductwork is a system or network of ducts which bring cool air to the different rooms and living areas of our homes. When an HVAC...
By Victoria Ostrosky San Francisco was an amazing city! The cool, moist fog that rolled in from the Bay during the night was soon burned off by the sun, and the winding and hilly streets had been a welcome change from Rebecca’s normal day in her small town back in...
By Rita Sherwood “This is definitely a milestone to celebrate and I’m very proud of our entire team!” says owner Scott Lightsey. This locally-grown business started as a small golf cart service and repair shop in Fort Walton Beach. Before long, the business moved to Mountain Dr. in Destin to get...
By Meredith Freeman, Intern, Frances Roy Agency Interns can sometimes get a bad rap. Some show up to get their college credit and leave; others seem to never leave the break room. But with the right fit, interns can really be the best. I supposed I’m a little biased…I am...

Breaking the Cycle

By Matthew Vanderford Here’s something to think about: Picture in your mind your car alarm going off by itself for no reason. You grab your keys and hit the fob to make it stop……nothing. The alarm keeps going. So, you head outside, walk up to the car, open the door,...
By Chris Balzar, ECES What does R-value mean? R-value measures insulation’s resistance to heat flow. It can also be referred to as “thermal resistance.” The higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power. All materials having the same R-value, regardless of type, thickness, or weight are equal in insulating power....
Timid Salespeople Have Skinny Children! By Gail Pelto An old adage which still rings true today is, “Your Net worth is equal to your Network.” Your business grows faster when you form relationships with people you know, like and trust and who know, like and trust you. They will be more...
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