Bay Buzz March 2022


Persistence Pays Off for Safety in Niceville
Redwood Avenue in Niceville is a county road. It is also a main arterial road for many pedestrians walking to school and shopping at nearby stores. Judy Boudreaux, formerly on the Niceville City Council and Transportation Planning Organization, saw this as a safety issue and pushed for a much-needed sidewalk along Redwood Avenue from Hwy. 20 south to Valparaiso Blvd. It took a number of years but with the support of the City Council and the members of the county commission, success was achieved with the passing of the County Infrastructure Surtax. “This project will bring 4,600 feet of sidewalk for our children and adults who travel this path daily,” Judy remarked, “Thank you to the people who voted for the Surtax and the tourists who will help pay for our much-needed sidewalks.” By June (or possibly much sooner), Redwood Avenue will become a safe place to walk in Niceville.

Mid-Bay Bridge Rotary’s Grant Donation to CBA
Mid-Bay Bridge Rotary Club awarded a $4,399 grant to the Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance (CBA) that purchased equipment and supplies for the Alliance’s “Grasses in Classes’’ environmental education curriculum. The program serves 19 elementary schools across Okaloosa and Walton Counties. The grant funding comes from dollars donated by Mid-Bay Bridge Rotarians combined with money raised at the club’s events, such as Octoberfest, corn hole tournament and golf tournament and through the Rotary District 6940 Grant Program. CBA’s “Grasses in Classes’’ is a hands-on, environmental education program that gives students a direct role in the restoration of Choctawhatchee Bay. Mid-Bay Bridge Rotarians will also help students plant the shoreline grasses grown as part of the curriculum at the end of the school year. To learn more, visit
The Freeport Republicans will meet March 8 in Freeport at the Hammock Bay Clubhouse, 1830 Great Hammock Bend. Registration begins at 5:30 p.m.; meeting 6-7 p.m. This month, the club will meet in “Working Groups” such as “Mom’s for Liberty,” Local/county issues, Legislative bills/issues, Voter registration; Parades/events/fund raisers, Finding & Vetting candidates and Illegal immigration. The club meets monthly on the second Tuesday at the same location and time.

Niceville High School’s Jerral Horton received the 2022 Secondary Assistant Principal of the Year. The program is designed to provide local recognition for outstanding administrators and provide an opportunity for the Okaloosa County Administrators and Supervisors Association (OCASA) to be represented in state-level recognition programs such as the Florida Association of School Administrators and the Florida Department of Education.

The Distinguished Young Women (DYW) of Okaloosa County will hold its information meeting Sun., Feb. 27 at 3:00 PM at Crosspoint Church Fellowship Hall for young women in their current Junior year of high school. Additional information meetings by zoom are Mon., Feb. 28 and Tues., March 1 at 7 p.m. Email for zoom link. Okaloosa County has had multiple State winners which have been awarded full scholarships.

The Walton County Republican Executive Committee (REC) will be meeting monthly at the Hammock Bay Clubhouse, 1830 Great Hammock Bend in Freeport. Registration begins at 5:45 p.m.; meeting at 6 p.m. These meetings are open to Republicans in Walton County. The REC meets monthly on the third Monday at the same location and time. The next REC meeting will be held March 21 at 6 p.m.

The March 16th Business Empowered Luncheon will feature the acclaimed author (of several books) Peggy Brockman. She has been a John Maxwell Certified Speaker, Trainer and Coach for many years. She has owned several businesses and, in semi-retirement, is the regional coordinator for “United for A Good” and more specifically, “Hope Squad Peer-to-Peer Suicide Prevention Program.” She will share some of her own miraculous survival from a critical illness and surgical complications that kept her hospitalized on the brink of death for six months as well as others. To register, call or text Al at 850-586-1472.

Geek Lights Fans Donate Over $8,800 to CALM
The Geek Lights on the Corner Lights and Music Show recently presented $8,826.76 to Crisis Aid for Littles and Moms a.k.a. CALM. The amount represents the sum total of visitor donations collected during the recently completed 14th season of the Geek Lights on the Corner, which took place at the corner of Bluewater Blvd and Antiqua Way November 29, 2021 to January 7, 2022. “I want to make sure everyone knows that this donation comes from the show’s fans, not from us,” said Jeff Werner, proprietor of the show. “Your incredible generosity broke every donation record that we track. I’m very proud of how much you’ve helped CALM to do their mission, and you should be proud of yourselves.”