An Artist’s Journey: Art of evolfleS


By Maurice Hunter

Art of evolfleS is what I call my personal expression of the love I experience with myself. I changed the direction of the spelling of Selflove to represent my belief that love flows in one direction, from the inside out. When I create art, the formless internal experience of Selflove artistically takes shape on a canvas. Its in-valuable quality is given a visual and textural voice intended to inspire an experience of inner value within the observer.

My life has been dedicated to demonstrating and sharing Selflove for many years. I wrote my young daughter a letter over 10 years ago to share ideas of self-value and self-empowerment along with my Love for her. During the process, I discovered the Love within myself, Selflove. Shortly after, I began a Selflove journey. Today, Selflove is my way of life. A spiritual practice. My life’s purpose is to share Selflove. Over the years, I have explored many ways of serving this purpose. I’ve organized events, hosted discussion groups, counseled people, created social projects, taught classes, written books, as well as created art.

I started creating art with the intention of simply having a new method of expressing and sharing Selflove. The ideas kept coming and the pieces kept accumulating. At some point, I looked around and my home was overflowing with Love via the many canvases of hearts. There was so much Love within my home that I had to find a way to share it to make room for more. At this point I began finding creative ways to give many of them away.

In time, people began offering me money for them. The custom hearts I create have been the most frequent of the commissions I’ve done. Virtually every piece incorporates a heart and rose quartz (the Selflove stone).

What better gift to give a loved one than the gift of Love?

Peace and Selflove.

You can find Maurice’s artwork at Big Mama’s Hula Girl Gallery in Santa Rosa Beach, connect with him @artofevolfles (Instagram) or visit