Interview: Preserve Bluewater Bay


What is Preserve Bluewater Bay?

Preserve Bluewater Bay (PBWB) is a not for profit organization created by community members to save the greenspace in Bluewater Bay. PBWB is working to garner a true non-profit 501c3 status, but it is still in the works with the State of Florida and the IRS. The magnificent greenspace in Bluewater Bay is the defining characteristic of our community, and we want to keep it that way.

Why is this community ripe for development?

Bluewater was originally built as a golf community. The golf course has been slowly losing clientele over the years and is not as profitable as it once was. As the demand for housing increases and interest in golf decreases, residential and commercial development companies see an opportunity for profit and are interested in purchasing the golf course to build new homes and multi-tenant units. We’ve witnessed neighboring communities struggle with over-development and infrastructure shortages (roads, schools, etc.) and we want to prevent this from happening in Bluewater Bay.

Are you trying to save the golf course?

Today, much of our greenspace is still primarily used as a golf course. The golf course helps pay for the maintenance and upkeep of these greenspaces. PBWB would like to continue to use the land for a golf course, because it is the most cost effective way to maintain the land. Although the golf course financial picture is improving, it is yet to be seen if it can return to profitability. If golf gets to the point where it is no longer economically viable, we are happy to do something else with the golf course. We’ve had some great suggestions, including walking trails, soccer fields, etc. All of those and more are on the table if golf doesn’t work. Our purpose is simply to preserve the greenspace in the most cost effective, sustainable way.

What are you hoping to accomplish with Preserve Bluewater Bay?

To save our community and the community’s greenspace, we – the community – need to buy the land. If the community owns the land, the community can ensure that it remains green, free and open. We call our campaign to buy the land “The Capital Campaign.” We need to raise $2.4 million through the Capital Campaign to purchase the 150 acres of land that is available. If PBWB doesn’t purchase it, the current owners will look to develop the land or potentially sell it off to a different developer.

How do you plan to accomplish this goal?

PBWB is taking a multi-pronged approach to raising capital. First, and most importantly, we need the support of the Homeowner associations. We are working with each HOA board to appeal to the communities for support. Many have already financially supported the campaign.

Second, we will take individual pledges from individuals. We will not ask you to honor your pledge until we know there is enough interest to buy the land. But, if you pledge and donate money to the campaign, you will be granted voting rights when it comes time to make decisions about the land.

Third, and probably the most important, homeowners that have homes along the golf course will have the opportunity to purchase the land behind their home and expand their property line – under the condition that the land will remain open for golf or other community purposes until a time in which that is no longer viable.

Fourth, businesses are being offered sponsorship opportunities to bring visibility to the community through their support for our efforts. We owe a huge thanks to those businesses that are already supporting us!

Do you have any final remarks?

We want to be clear that our purpose is to buy the land for the community. It will be community-owned and community-operated. This is not a campaign for the golf course. All of the funds raised in the capital campaign will go towards buying the land, not towards golf!

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to own our land and protect our greatest investment! Please join us by pledging today!

You can find more details and pledge your support at