Taylor Haugen Trophy Winners: Where Are They Now? Addie Stricklend


By Lauren Reho

Each year through the All Sports Association, the Taylor Haugen Foundation, presents a trophy to an athlete who best demonstrates a balance between academics, athleticism, leadership, community service and faith. The winner receives a $1,000 scholarship, a $1,000 donation to the athletic department of his or her school and a bronze trophy with an eagle taking flight to symbolize Isaiah 40: 30-32.

The Foundation has awarded trophies since 2009 to well-rounded student athletes in the area. In this series, we’re tracking the past winners from 2009 to 2021 to see where they are now in their journeys.

Addie Strickland, 2020 Trophy Winner
Addie Strickland, 2020 trophy winner, is studying business administration at Northwest Florida State College and will graduate in 2023. She works as the Marketing Coordinator at VIE Magazine, but hopes to have a career in the business world in the future, such as a real estate firm. She enjoys playing tennis with her friends, going to the beach and traveling as much as possible.

“The Taylor Haugen Trophy is more than just an award,” Addie said. “For anyone on ‘the outside’ (for lack of a better word), it seems like another award for a senior to win, but once you realize what the trophy and the foundation symbolize, it separates it from any ‘award’ someone could win. Little does the ‘outside’ world know that the trophy winner wins a family, which to me is the best part.” She said this alone sets it apart from any scholarship or award a senior could win. She especially loves how it all symbolizes the legacy of Taylor Haugen because being a part of his legacy is indescribable and moving to the core.

She went on to say, “Don’t Quit. Never Give Up!” can only be interpreted in one way for her specifically, and that is to give your best all the time despite the circumstances. It is important to keep your head up until the tides change. She loves this motto because it’s real and recognizes that there will be hard times, but it doesn’t dwell. Instead, it evokes a sense of will and determination to see it through until the end.

Addie’s favorite Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 10:31: “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” She carries this verse with her throughout the day because it helps her to remember that God cares about every single part of her day, and it is a gentle reminder of his love for her and everyone around her.

If she could give advice for anyone, younger or older, it would be to find your groove when it comes to your relationship with Christ. Everyone is different, and everyone can relate in different ways. Her way of connecting with God may be completely different from another individual’s way of connecting with him, but the foundation of every relationship is communication, and it is so important to talk to him and let him talk to you through his everlasting word!